My approach. The core is the engine. - page 180

I was able to run the constructor and get my window on the chart on MT5. This is already a great progress. However, it is still very slow, but it is probably because my code is not adapted to the new platform. I will have to figure it out.
The reason for the slowdown has been found! MT4 does not require ChartRedrow function, while in MT5 the chart image is updated by itself only on normal events (e.g. on tick arrival). Therefore, you need to call this function after each change of the canvas or MT object. It's good that I have thought of it quickly))) Now it does not slow down!
Now you need to fix the rendering problems. Apart from the window platform there is nothing. Not even the taskbar appears for some reason. Let's fix it...
Transferring the project to MT5 is in full swing. Due to a lot of small punctures that I successfully ignored on MT4, I haven't fully transitioned yet, but about half of the entire design is already fully functional on five. Restored and improved many mechanisms. Today I will demonstrate what I have achieved.

In this video I demonstrate how the builder works on MT5. It is not all done yet and some elements have not been tested yet, but most of the builder can be considered working on MT5.


It's happening! I have fully switched over to MT5. I feel very comfortable with it. I have nothing to complain about.

In this video I am presenting my builder and windows created with it. After a lot of polishing and tweaking, everything works very well.

In fact, the builder is ready for use. The next video will be about running and connecting the engine and custom application.

Enjoy watching!

Реter Konow:

It's happening! I have fully switched over to MT5. I feel very comfortable with it. Nothing to complain about.

In this video I am presenting my builder and windows created with it. After a lot of polishing and tweaking, everything works very well.

In fact, the builder is ready for use. The next video will be about running and connecting the engine and custom application.

Enjoy watching!

Looking forward to the release).
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Looking forward to the release).
I will complete the constructor documentation window and publish it immediately.
Good for you Petr!
Great news and a wonderful presentation.
I hope the release will be just as successful.
A lot of work has been done and it is nearing completion - you can see that now.
Congratulations on that.

Mikhail Dovbakh:

Accepted, thank you for your kind words.