From theory to practice - page 772


Lord, help me to overcome the cup of adversity and behold the Grail in the coming week! I will.


It must have been a tough weekend :-)

Take care.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

It must have been a long weekend :-)

Take care.

:))) One has to turn to the Almighty when drinking from the cup of suffering.

But everything comes to an end, and I think the Grail is just around the corner. Prepare your pockets, Maxim.


:))) One has to turn to the Almighty to drink from the cup of suffering.

But everything comes to the finish - and I think the Grail is just around the corner. Prepare your pockets, Maxim.

The main thing is to put away alcohol, please, and put all your money into a fireproof safe, and give the keys to your wife. Just in case you won't be able to find the Grail... just in case...
Martin Cheguevara:
The main thing to remove alcohol away please and all the money better put in a fireproof safe, and give the keys to his wife. Just in case you will not be able to find the Grail after all... just in case...

Fear not, my friend - physics is stronger than a lousy market. And you are thinking correctly (remembering our communication) - just add kurtosis to asymmetry and everything will be fine. Prepare your pockets.


:))) When you drink from the cup of misery, you will turn to the Almighty.

There are no atheists on the forex market.)


There are no atheists on the forex market.)

There are. I am a forex atheist.

Sasha, please tell me more.

Do you calculate skewness and kurtosis on a sample of sums of increments? Or on increments?

In fact, do you calculate the mean with the variance from the sums too?


Gentlemen programmers! Who is reading these lines...

Please, I'm not from around here - help me with the following problem:

EA successfully opened order 44280065 on EURAUD in automatic mode and also successfully closed it:

Then I opened order 44282719 again on EURAUD but could not close it automatically.

I got this message:

I.e. I tried to close an order that was closed by myself earlier! I had to close the order manually.

Such situations are rare, but still - unpleasant... The grail has slipped away again...

How may it be and what to do?

Thank you.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Sasha, please tell me more.

Do you calculate skewness and kurtosis on a sample of sums of increments? Or on increments?

Actually and the average with the variance for the variance also on the sums?

On the tick increments themselves. And mean and variance - for price. The sum of increments (may Sorcerer forgive me) is no longer under consideration. It is placed aside - because it has nothing to do with Variance Gamma Process.


How can this be and what should I do?

You can see that the ticket number is taking an old one.