From theory to practice - page 32


Where do you get such hopeless answers? Is it simply from the fact that there are no variational methods in Wissim? What, now fit the data to existing solution methods, or discard them as unsuitable for the method?

Yes, the time grid will have a non-permanent step, which is death for difference methods. And it's no good or bad for variational methods. Here is the link, where you can find and download the book of 1950 "S. G. Mikhlin, Variational methods for solving problems in mathematical physics, UMN, 1950, vol. 5, issue 6(40), 3-51". Already the first two methods in the table of contents, Ritz and orthogonal projections, show that variational methods do not need finite differences and uniformity of the grid, but use the apparatus of scalar products, otherwise called integral sums. You wrote about a cat in Hilbert space, and this is the space (of functions) in which scalar multiplication operations are defined.

What is the problem, why do we need difference schemes?

Vladimir, you, as always, have the most marvellous posts. I can't even imagine what your profession is - your field of interest is too large.

But it's precisely because these schemes have a clear physical and mathematical meaning. That's how it is! :)))

That's why I stand by my opinion - it is IMPOSSIBLE to work with every tick. It's necessary to work with definite sampling times t. Yes, but where to get the archive values?Yuriy Asaulenko suggested me one method - I'll look and study it now.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Thank you. I wanted to look at that picture too. But I'm too lazy for that myself.))

SMA is of course a frankly bad option, if not the worst.))

I wonder if you'll be able to match this one? Till the owner of the branch has not come.) Then I'll delete it to get out of the way.

HZY Yes, I'll give you a hint, the function is analytic - smooth up to and including the 4th derivative.

hull ma

Hull ma (hma_color_russia) (~2006)

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

From theory to practice

Yuriy Asaulenko, 2017.12.08 17:17

Thank you. I too would like to see this picture. But I'm too lazy for that myself)).

SMA is of course a frankly bad option at all, if not the worst.)

I wonder if you'll be able to match this one? Till the owner of the branch has not come.) Then I'll delete it to get out of the way.

SZY Yes, I'll tell you, the function is analytic - smooth up to and including the 4th derivative.

Trace of right end of approximation will lag behind of course, but I mean the approximation line itself - it does not lag behind anything throughout the window.

No, the lag is the same everywhere. The group delay, in this case, is 2=3 min. But, since the function is almost analytical, the delay is easily corrected by e.g. a Taylor series with negligible error. Say, for a period > 10.

Petr Doroshenko:

Hull ma (hma_color_russia)

Clearly not a good fit.

Wrote the indie by myself. If I understand it correctly, here it is

5th order:



Renat Akhtyamov:

Wrote the indyuk myself. If I understand it correctly, here it is.

5th order:


Wrong, it's all very complicated for high orders.(

Stop flooding, the host is here.(

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Wrong, it's all very complicated for high orders.(

Cut the crap, the master's here.

there's nothing complicated about it.

I've been doing it for 10 minutes at the most, and you can do any order, even a million.


Yuriy Asaulenko:
Clearly not rolling.

under the 4th derivative or usability method?))

Petr Doroshenko:

under the 4th derivation or usability method?))

Depending on the task. It doesn't fit mine.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Wrong, it's all very complicated for high orders.(

Stop the flubbing, the master's here.(

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, how do you quit a forum like this?