Who or what is stumbling around - page 2


Tip: When you write or trade for real, don't come here. Its aura is very bad. (I even rewrote it twice when I was writing this).

I'm bored at home alone. And the other forums I do not attend. Aura's OK here, I think.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's a bit boring to be home alone. And I don't attend the other forums. There's nothing wrong with the aura here, I reckon.

You tell me what I think. If that's what you think, then wait for more sticks...

You know best. My job is to give my opinion. If that's what you think, wait for more sticks.

Are you suggesting that the forum is the one that's causing the sticks? It's not, that kind of interference was there long before I started participating here.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Are you suggesting that the forum is interfering? That's not true, that kind of hindrance was there long before I started participating here.

So God loves you. They say he who tests you the most loves you the most. So accept difficulties with hope for the best in the future...maybe not even in this life.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

More than once I've noticed that as soon as I have big plans or bright ideas to develop a robot, problems arise that are completely beyond my control and derail those plans.

A recent example. My mother lives with me all winter and I take her to the countryside from spring to late autumn, which is how the house is bought. It was agreed that I would take her to the village at the end of May.

I have a brilliant idea how to deal with losing orders with lots. I started to work inspired: I drew a scheme, developed a class system, composed a program, everything went great, my heart sang.

Suddenly, my mother bursts into hysterics: we have to leave for the village right now. It turns out, the first farmer has come there, all huts are opened, windows are broken, etc. Nobody lives there in winter, it is a pure dacha village.

I had to throw everything to hell, go shopping, urgently buy food, get my son off work, he has a sort of van, look for glass here, go to this village ... in short, the whole plan down the drain.

And it's not the first time, it happens all the time.

What's that got to do with it? You'd be tempted to believe in the existence of dark forces ))

That's the way it has to be. Everything will be as it should be.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

How did you manage to tame such a wonderful personal woman? What was the bait, what kind of bait? ))

She tamed me, I am a wild wolf )

By the way, if you are interested in esotericism - this is the last thing I liked. It corrects karma, cleans chakras )) just listen and try to understand... at first nothing is clear and sounds like nonsense, then, after listening to all the clips, the general idea becomes clear. At the last stage this teaching starts to seem contradictory but it is really interesting and original :)

Well as if the root of many problems in the human mind and its patterns of thinking and, consequently, behavior ... The clips may be controversial but they help you understand your own mind and way of thinking and fix something. It's good to listen to before you go to sleep instead of watching TV.


Елена Альтара Ника
Елена Альтара Ника
  • www.youtube.com

They say he who tests you the most loves you the most. So accept difficulties with hope for the best in the future. Maybe not even in this life.

No, I don't want to live in the next world, it's for illiterate peasants))

I may have exaggerated the colours, it does not mean that any development attempt is met with external interference. But sometimes there are.

I am accustomed to treating all my projects with humour and leniency. Then everything works out.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

No, I don't need it in the next world, it's for illiterate peasants ))

I may have exaggerated the colours, it does not mean that any development attempt is met with external interference. But sometimes there are.

I am accustomed to treating all my projects with humour and leniency. Then everything works out.

When did situations like this start to manifest themselves actively?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

She tamed me, I'm a wild wolf.)

That's great )) I'm jealous of a good woman. I've been getting the wrong ones lately. I had a great sex with the last one, but she refuses to work, always says: "Let's go to the cinema, let's go out for wine and vodka. I got sick of her and kicked her the hell out.

It's really stimulating when you have a decent woman around.)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Great ))) I envy you for a good reason. I've been having the wrong ones lately. I had an amazing sex with the last one, but I couldn't get any work done, she wouldn't let me go to the cinema, let's go out for wine and vodka. I got sick of her and kicked her the hell out.

It's really stimulating when you're around a decent woman.)

When there is a decent woman around, sex has a completely different, delightful connotation and moves from mechanics to spiritual interaction.)