Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 921


To your ZS, I can answer that in order to take prizes in motor racing, you don't have to know about the construction of a car. There are experts in their fields for that purpose. So your example is incorrect and simply smacks of hostility. Calm down. I'm not going to challenge your knowledge of programming languages, but I'm not going to study them thoroughly either. It's enough for me to "keep an eye on the road and drive a car".

I'll add: even building a car of your own design, you don't need to understand the principles of electronics. It is enough to know "what for".

What dislike are we talking about? I am trying to explain simple things to you and you fail to understand.

You need to know how to read technical documentation when you build a car and have a basic knowledge of electronics. You bought a control unit but didn't bother to read the climate design of the electronic component, installed that "gizmo" in the boot and you have a problem in winter and in summer it flies like a rocket! - and go back to the forums instead of reading the manuals and gaining basic knowledge...? You start building machines out of electronic components.... it doesn't work!...

ok, I'm tired of laughing, you are very funny!

Is it possible to write a function that shifts an array using a bitwise shift, or am I completely out of the loop? I watched the clips on youtube and still don't understand why this shift is needed, I mean using this << >> technology?

you can't, you can check it yourself

int arr1[10];
int arr2[]=arr1>>10; // 'arr1' - invalid array access

the help has a good description of bitwise shifts and examples, the only thing you may have missed is that it's about types in the context ofsimple data types?

What do you need it for? - well, all programming languages have such features, for example in MQL the state of mouse buttons in EventChartCustom() is described by a bitmask, you may need a shift operation, when working with a colour palette also usually uses bitmasks - in general, use "Bitwise operations", where you work with bits, use it

if i'm not mistaken, search@Alexey Viktorov's posts for how to shift an array by one item. he showed such examples not so long ago

Alexandr Sokolov:

So it's not here, it's in the Market or Freelance section.

Yeah, I get it - it's an "insider's hangout".

Igor Makanu:

What animosity are we talking about? I'm trying to explain elementary things to you, but again you don't understand.

you need to know how to read the datasheets and use basic electronics knowledge. you bought a control unit but didn't bother to read the climate design of the electronic component. you put that "gizmo" in the boot and have problems in the winter and in summer it flies like a rocket! - and go back to the forums instead of reading the manuals and gaining basic knowledge...? You start building machines out of electronic components.... it doesn't work!...

OK, I'm tired of laughing, you're very funny!

It's really funny when somebody tries to teach a designer who has built dozens of various mechanisms, including robots, "to read technical documentation and operate with basic knowledge, also in electronics". I cried with laughter!


Yes, I get it - this is a "hangout for the initiated".

But read Alexander Sokolov's questions here, and his answers - how much different they are from your answers. And this man didn't turn his nose up at referring him to documentation. And, best of all, he deals with a long-written example, which is lying on a dusty shelf in the documentation. Then he asked the next question, and so on. One could see that he had come not to build a Frankenstein, but to learn. And it evokes respect for the man.

ZS. Perhaps nowadays the time is like that - you need everything at once, without learning, without thinking, without working, but to have a Bugatti and drive girls with it, throwing quid in the wind...

People spend their whole lives studying. This is a forum for people who know something or want to know something, not an educational institution. It's not a branch of a university. No offence.


It's really funny when someone tries to teach a designer, who has built dozens of different mechanisms, including robots, "how to read technical documentation and operate with basic knowledge, also in electronics". I cried with laughter!

If those aren't just words, then tell me what kind of mechanisms were assembled - I'll keep my grandchildren away from them, knowing that their designer can't make sense of two figures in the documentation :)


It's really funny when someone tries to teach a designer, who has built dozens of different mechanisms, including robots, "how to read technical documentation and operate with basic knowledge, also in electronics". I cried with laughter!

Well if you're a "technician" then you're trolling all the participants who gave you answers! - You should understand that yourself... so modern designers have shown their knowledge... and then the rockets fall... Creepy!


Artyom Trishkin:

If these are not just words, tell me what kind of mechanisms have been assembled - I'll keep my grandchildren away from them, knowing that their designer can't make out two figures in the documentation :)

I would be very surprised if your grandchildren in today's education system can get into any university without paying for it. To teach them anything in a modern school, you have to hire tutors from as early as the 5th or 6th form. We were taught not for money but 'for conscience'. Modern (especially young) teachers do not understand this.

I used to design mechanisms, devices and other non-standard equipment, i.e. I invented them and created on paper, while they were manufactured and assembled at production facilities and tested there.

I am long retired, so I don't understand those young "hangouts" with ambitions. No offense to that either.

And I donot need to learn the MKL4 language, unlikeAlexander Sokolov, in my old age.

And about freelancing too - my robots show quite acceptable results. I have been testing on the demo for half a year now, almost without correction. Although I don't dare to go to real trading. The questions arise from "an itch to create" - all new ideas appear and I need to test them.


I would be very surprised if your grandchildren in today's education system can get into any university without paying for it. To teach them anything in a modern school, you have to hire tutors from as early as the 5th or 6th form. We were taught not for money but 'for conscience'. Modern (especially young) teachers do not understand this.

I used to design mechanisms, devices and other non-standard equipment, i.e. I invented them and created on paper, while they were manufactured and assembled at production facilities and tested there.

I am long retired, so I don't understand those young "hangouts" with ambitions. No offense to that either.

And I, unlikeAlexander Sokolov, do not need to learn the MKL4 language in myold age.

Well, it turned out that many "do not need" and are no less old, and sometimes even older.

And young party-goers, for the most part, come loudly ... and quietly so go away :) So many of them have been here before...

Igor Makanu

you cannot, you can check it yourself.

The help has a good description of bit shifts and there are examples, the only thing you may not have understood is that you're talking about types in the context of simple data types?

What do you need it for? - well, all programming languages have such features, for example in MQL the state of mouse buttons in EventChartCustom() is described by a bitmask, you may need a shift operation, when working with a colour palette also usually uses bitmasks - in general, use "Bitwise operations", where you work with bits, use it

If I'm not mistaken, search@Alexey Viktorov's posts to find how to shift an array by one item.

I thought it was possible to shift memory in some way, the word bit is associated with the word byte I was wondering, I thought I could resort to loops to a lesser extent. Sorry, it's all fantasy and theory, I'm just not good at it (bit shifting).


Will the EA close half of the order if the market price is within the range ofSYMBOL_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL from the SL or TP? MQL4

I would check it myself but at Alpari this value is zero everywhere (on currencies, metals, crypto, indices)