What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 56


but reliable and unpretentious. and speed by the way...

that's how long it takes you to load an axle?

It takes me 5 to 10 seconds for win 7 and about the same for linux.

I get wine 7 in 5-10 seconds and linux in about the same amount of time.
Yep, never going back to HHD again ....
XP is great!
Feh, ancient.

I don't see anything wrong with the tried and tested for years, I practically never get out of sports cars that are more than 10 years old :)

XP is an extension of my hand, W 7 8 is a foreign body on my computer, a stranger who "kinda knows better what I need".

And for me it doesn't matter how much faster the system loads, I load it once a day. I press a button, go brush my teeth, come back, it's all on my desk.

If you don't mind describing the advantages of W 7 8 over XP. Apart from the fact that you can put more than 3 gigs of memory in (my mum won't support it).


I don't see anything wrong with the tried and tested for years, I practically never get out of sports cars that are more than 10 years old :)

XP is an extension of my hand, W 7 8 is a foreign body on my computer, a stranger who "kinda knows better what I need".

And for me it doesn't matter how much faster the system loads, I load it once a day. I just press a button, go brush my teeth, come back, it's all on my desk.

If you don't mind describing the advantages of W 7 8 over XP. Apart from the fact that you can put in more than 3 gigs of memory (my mum won't support it).

If your mum can't take it any more, you shouldn't change the xr.... You should change both your mum and all the relatives connected to her ...

Tell me you're happy with your mum! I can assure you if you're currently using a mum with less than 3GB of memory. The modern mum and the new geniuses will surprise you...

Win 7 is a bit faster in terms of graphics, a bit nicer, can work with a cd drive, has many more advantages over xr, win 8 is a dull blob ....

I was using an old computer and the optimisation time wrote something like 456879746184 hours, but the new computer has reduced the time to 48-100 hours ... Is there a difference ?

If you don't mind describing the advantages of W 7 8 over XP.

The main advantage is memory, 64 bit (xp 64 is a separate masochism) and more up to date technology support. The rest is not much of an advantage for the most part.

By the way SSD's are better not to get too carried away, they are fast but when they start to fail the glitches are very peculiar.

And for Windows 8 there's a great rescue at http://www.classicshell.net/.

It has the same interface as W 7 without too much hassle.


vin 8 is a dreary piece of crap ....

My kid likes it, probably a victim of advertising)
I load in 20 seconds with full load and it's not an SSD, I have an 8gb frame drive instead of the SSD - everything just flies.