Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 1016


I think all thongs should be done like that.

The data about that list is stored in the terminal-config-experts folder

But it is very unclear there. I have to ask the developers.

thanks), the thing is that only sendRequest does not work all functions required before sending the request is fine (and if I use OpenURL then everything also works) but if I still do through a charto openRequest also stops working...
ps I saw somewhere yesterday in net how someone told at what forum that may be added to html page list via macro #define and another said to him that this is a hole in language... but then it was not necessary ... and now I can not find how I searched(
so far no luck figuring it out .... too bad.

ps2 the file is empty)))) opened it and looked through the gap added a handwritten note... had to delete the file because the terminal began to fly)))) but where do these developers need to write?
Can you please tell me what's the reason?HttpSendRequestW doesn't send request... GetLastError gives 0.

(the interesting thing is that WebRequest second version of it works... )

You need to use the system GetLastError(). It doesn't give zero.

#import "Kernel32.dll"
   uint GetLastError();
   uint GetModuleHandleW( string lpModuleName );
   uint FormatMessageW( uint dwFlags, uint lpSource, uint dwMessageId, uint dwLanguageId, ushort& lpBuffer[], uint nSize, uint Arguments );


ushort buffer[1024];

   // отправили файл
   int hSend = HttpSendRequestW( hRequest, HEADERS, StringLen( HEADERS ), data, ArraySize( data ) );
   if( hSend == 0 )
      uint error = Kernel32::GetLastError();
      uint len = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, GetModuleHandleW( "wininet.dll" ), error, 0, buffer, 1024, 0 );
      string errorString = ShortArrayToString( buffer, 0, len );
      Print( errorString );
      InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );
thanks), the thing is that only sendRequest does not work all functions required before sending the request is ok (and if I use OpenURL then everything works too) but if I do it through charto openRequest also stops working...
ps I saw yesterday somewhere in net how someone told at what forum that lets add to the list html page through macro #define and another tells him that this is a hole in language... but then it was not necessary ... and now I can not find how I searched(
so far no luck figuring it out .... too bad.

ps2 the file is empty)))) i had to delete the file because the terminal kept crashing)))) but where should i write to the developers?
mql5 site - servicedesk

You need to use the system GetLastError(). It does not give zero.

Thank you very much at least now I see where to look)

Wrong URL. Now I know what to think)

it turns out the format was and not as in the address bar...strange OpenUrl doesn't care what address andWebRequest does too
Thank you very much at least now I see where to dig)

It says invalid URL. Now I know where to think)

it turns out the address was intended in this format and not as in the address bar... strange OpenUrl does not care what the address and WebRequest too

In InternetConnect you only need to pass the server name without protocol: "".

And in HttpOpenRequest only the requested object: "earnings-calendar/Service/getCalendarFilteredData".


from, to, what to do

for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)


for(int i=5;i>=1;i--)

But yes. The more logical thing to do during development was to make

with, what to do, to

for(int i=1;i++;i<=5)

Thank you very much, Vasily!

How do I make the meter work in the tester instead of constantly showing 1?

int a;

int OnInit()


In InternetConnect you only need to pass the server name without the protocol: "".

In HttpOpenRequest only the requested object: "earnings-calendar/Service/getCalendarFilteredData".

Thank you very much, your advices are very helpful! Unfortunately there is very little information about WinInetDll in russian and for mql. I know nothing about the details. I have to search by experience || someone will tell me.

How do I make the meter work in the tester instead of constantly showing 1?

int a;

int OnInit()

Read whatOnInit does and what it is for)
Could you please tell me the data<td colspan="8\" class=\"theDay\">\u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430, \u0410\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044c 20, 2016</td>\n UTF-8 format

I understand correctly, that russian needs to be converted to ANSI, i.e. to CP_ACP?

I do it like this string ttt =CharArrayToString(RESULT,0,CP_ACP); Nothing changes, just the data is stored in the string variable
Saving into a file under CP_ACP does not work either.
I am doing something wrong . The output is heDay\">Wednesday, April 20, 2016<\/td>\n (I also used uurlencoded post filter when converting from UTF-8)
THE QUESTION is how to do it in MQL?