Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 116

But anyway, to drink so to drink, I will distract myself with a lie (it is necessary to write in a branch of esoterics, but there will be banned, and to our case more approaches, when the process of accumulation occurs, but by logic we do not describe, while we are within the limits of laws operating for macrocosm, instead of trying to describe it through laws of microcosm))))) we drink, and about patterns later we will continue. Here on references concerning ether have come across, became interesting.=================== That's what popped into my head, of course with my anti-scientific pravans. it was also thought that children of biological parents may have completely unrelated structure of etheric body, that is, vessels (bodies) are filled with different ether, so the essence can be completely alien in frequency tuning of etheric body (like different waves on which go radio station in the receiver), although to be related to the body. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that all people are brothers, your etheric body can occupy the material cavity of any suitable frequency, so that a person who died yesterday who is not related to you can resurrect in your son or brother and become a relative, Maybe even the meaning of life is to accumulate in your material body as much etheric energy or ether as possible, maybe in the etheric state we cannot concentrate and accumulate etheric energy, but we can accumulate it through the material body which is filled with ether when we live, it is possible that some confessions call it karma, and the process of rebirth of the body is a process of purification of karma, i.e. the process of accumulation of etheric mass, so rebirth of the body and our material world is not a heaven, but just a purgatory, that is not the best place to spend time, But it is only the coarse space of one of the lower density levels, but in which we are required to be and live "worthily" in the spiritual plane, because only through the chain of material body rebirth one can accumulate the etheric body to a certain mass (to purify karma so to say) and move to another level, while staying there. But depending on how life has gone, the initial mass of ether in the body can diminish (then in the next reincarnation the rest of your ether has to occupy a lower material body, you become a tree or an animal), or vice versa, to accumulate (then there is a chance to take a better for accumulating ether material body in the next reincarnation). Or to worsen and strengthen our frequency signal. And another thing, all sciences were created for our material world, but they do not take into account the existence of connections and regularities at a higher level, at the level of more subtle matter,and ethers. In the material world everything tends to the speed of light, but does not exceed it, at a higher scientific level, there are also laws for etheric space, which are related to the laws of the material world, but may not fit into them. For instance, the laws in the etheric space can be time and space bending movements. Actually, it can explain the effect of thought on the future of the material world, a thought bends the time and as an ether can be adsorbed in the matter in the future and remain there and then we live in the future where our thought has already been adsorbed in the past. It is possible that in the future it will be given a proper scientific basis, forming laws, according to which there is a process of moving of ether and parameters (frequencies or something else) of ether itself and its variety, which will help to draw conclusions about its influence on material world, and consequently about changing of material world under the influence of ether - here you have prediction of future, which seems delusion while we are in material world, and regularities in chaos and establishment of connections through thinner structures, where in material increase of these connections simply not exist in material world. But if we have lost mass in the etheric body, this mass should go somewhere, and apparently it is in a free state for some time, before it is distributed between other material bodies. it is probable that if parasites (or rather they are parasites for us, but the same structures that simply live by other laws, and which can also be just food for more subtle subsequent layers) are not among our material world, but among etheric space, indirectly they need through creation of negative emotions in material By which they are sustained and at the expense of which they exist, absorbing it while it is in a free state after separation.Such are the pies))))) I will not show a certificate that I am not crazy.) Just like sometimes to reflect on alternative theories, describing what is called a miracle, through theories that are not supported by the scientific world simply because the level of science has not yet reached this point. I understand that will shut my finger now, but nevertheless sometimes can find 1.2 people who are interested in thinking about such things, not only about where Putin goes fishing)
I won't show you a certificate that I'm not crazy.)

You really shouldn't, especially nowadays you can buy any kind of certificate. Valera, you are easy to spot under any nickname even without a certificate: even Singapur, even pretend to be Honduras.

Mr Reshetov, you seem to know a lot about theoretical theory, could you tell me where the problem is?
Has anyone ever wondered how multipoints came to adverse patterns, and why these patterns have these particular shapes?
Has anyone ever wondered how multi-points came to adverse patterns, and why these patterns have these particular shapes?
The topic in question... :-) deserves its own branch! Analogue.
Sorry, however, I can't figure out who the multipoints are and what they are so promoted by. I'd like to read it, if indeed there is anything. Plz link to the authorities.
Mr Reshetov, you seem to know a lot about theoretical theories, could you tell me where the problem is?

I don't need to be littered with non-personal messages. Especially since you are asking questions in public.

Here's a private message:

If there is reason to confirm 0 expectation of martin, please indicate the error in Avals solution or, alternatively, in the interpretation of the result - not equal probability of 3 tails in a row against 7 eagles in a row.

Suppose we're playing a "harmless" game of heads or tails, i.e. the probability of heads or tails is 0.5.

Let's take an easier problem, i.e. the player has $3 in his pocket, an initial bet of $1 and a martingale strategy. Play continues until the player has no money left for the next martingale bet or his winnings are $3.

  1. With probability 3/4 = 48/64 he scores the first time and wins $1 - game on. With probability 1/4 = 16/64 he will lose the first time and his loss will be $3 - game over.
  2. With probability 9/16 = 36/64 he will win back and for the second time his winnings will be $2 - the game continues. With probability 3/16 = 12/64 he will lose for the second time and his loss will be $2 - game over.
  3. With probability 27/64 he will win back and for the third time his winnings will be $3 - game over. With probability 9/64, he will lose a third time and his loss will be $1 - game over.

Calculate the expectation at the end of the game:

MO = 3 * 27 / 64 - 3 * 16 / 64 - 2 * 12 / 64 - 1 * 9 / 64 = (81 - 81) / 64 = 0

Sum of probabilities taken into account: (27 + 16 + 12 + 9) / 64 = 64 / 64 = 1, i.e., the full probability theorem is satisfied


I don't need an easier task. I solved this problem a long time ago myself. There is a statement of the problem, this problem needs an analytical solution for any parameters. There is a solution but it does not contain something wrong. What is it?

So, two points for you, for a solution of what is more convenient (and how is more convenient - some figures instead of formulas), and not what is needed.

What about the personal part? You're making fun of me here, so I wanted to see if it's justified.

- I told you about the picture before, it did not stick here, but my friend uploaded it there. It is at the bottom of the page, if you want it, just paste it here if you don't want it.
You reminded me of makdi from (makdi from (makdi from makdi....)) by the way. This only needs either to be applied separately to the increments, and the masks are not quite the same. Paukas by the way also considered macdi from macdi and so on, and this branch was pelted with tomatoes on the forum, and dimonstratively so, I do not know whether on purpose. In other words, the depth of data changes and the number of ticks is like a path, albeit not entirely accurate. i.e. the number of increments per time unit - ala path length - travelled by tools is different. and the path does not depend on direction. accordingly, the speed and acceleration should be considered separately from the direction of motion.