FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 822


Wake up, it's been open for a long time - FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences. I used to be indignant about the flooding too, but then I realised it was useless)))
Oh, fuck... You're banned from entering FForex... For the dumbasses...
Eh..... Gina Gina..... throw in a picture to remember.... where you're at the rock concert....)))))))))

You really don't know how to do it, I've tried to give exact directions but my reply was hee ha ha ha and advice to buy all the depo in ice cream))) you should go to mt5 where they write detailed and justified how they get lots, even though they call them profits ))))
Don't get smart... I rehabilitated my depot since I got hooked on Gold and added almost the same amount... So... The conclusion is that the risk must be justified... But the risk is a risk!
Fucking hell... you're allowed to enter the FForex... For the dumbasses...

Emotional involvement in market trading, by the way, is very destructive ))) . So come on back to us - flubbing ))))

Emotional involvement in market trading, by the way, is very destructive ))) . So come on back to us - to flounder ))))
i think that's sergey wanderer
Fucking hell... you're allowed to enter the FForex... For the stupid...

Here comes the insults... I'm ending this conversation with you. You can continue to read in silence))))
Don't get smart... I've already rehabilitated the deposit since I got into Gold, and I've added almost the same amount... So... The only conclusion is that the risk must be justified... But a risk is a risk!

Don't be silly... When you yell like that it means that your nerves are at their limit due to losses and hopelessness and your lack of understanding of trading rules that everyone invented by himself... No book, courses or seminars will help you )))) Stay there and don't call me names... moose )))))
Emochka ...get your washes off the chart)) ...I sold out and they won't let me go down ...... do something .... I don't want any flesh, I ate chicken recently .
Don't get smart... I've already rehabilitated the depo since I got into Gold, and I've added almost the same amount... So... The only conclusion is that the risk must be justified... But a risk is a risk!

Well, that's great !...give us ( VICTIMS ) a little more training or something....)))
Emochka ... get your ishimki off the chart)) ... I sold, and they won't let the move go down ...... do something .... I don't want any flesh, I ate chicken recently .

go north... go north... go north ))) the boo is closed, the second buy is up till morning. let it hang there