Pure maths, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training tasks that have nothing to do with trade [Part 2] - page 28


I once worked as a PC operator in a supermarket. The remote control for the air conditioner was always on the shelf of the shelf rack that stood underneath it. Because my supervisor and I always had piles of papers on our desk, it was very inconvenient to put the remote control there - you wouldn't find it later :)

There are plenty of examples when the remote control is not in charge. Alas, so the option of a physical object is out of the question. We need to look for an indication in the psyche of the staff. And you can hardly find a more reliable indication than a silent glance in the direction of the boss.

PapaYozh: 2) in the next cubicle the air-conditioning bullet is from an ordinary employee, she is the only woman in the cubicle and on top of that she sits directly under the air-conditioning.
So she's a future boss. Let her get used to the remote.

I once worked as a PC operator in a supermarket. The remote control for the air conditioner was always on the shelf of the shelf rack that stood underneath it. Because my supervisor and I always had piles of papers on our desk, it was very inconvenient to put the remote control there - you won't find it later :)

There are plenty of examples where the remote control is not in charge. Alas, so the option of a physical object is out of the question. We need to look for an indication in the psyche of the staff. And a more reliable indication than a silent glance in the direction of the boss is unlikely to be found.

If he was sitting in a common room/room, he definitely wouldn't have a remote control on his desk.

It would be easier to say: Andrey (Komarov), it's cold! Please increase the temperature by 5-6 degrees. In fact, from now on I appoint you as the guardian of my health and comfort.

In decent A-class offices, there can be no splits, there must be a built-in microclimate system provided for by the building design (if there is none, the office is rated B+ at most). In such offices, the head is usually determined by the door of a separate office with the inscription CEO (CFO, President, Director, etc.). Although, in companies with a democratic structure of relations in the team, the chief may not have his own office.
Too late, brothers, the grand prize has gone to Novosibirsk.

I don't get it, man, where's the prize?!
Gone to Novosibirsk.
You shouldn't have gone in code.
Gone to Novosibirsk.
And you shouldn't have been hiding in plain sight.

And you shouldn't have such a leaky memory.

And in general, one should not have a memory, but use it for its intended purpose.

Геометрия: http://cs317031.userapi.com/v317031093/2aca/3e02fAuDLp8.jpg
Геометрия: http://cs317031.userapi.com/v317031093/2aca/3e02fAuDLp8.jpg

no. you should not fool yourself. geometry is a rigorous science where provability is at the top of the agenda.

and the picture is not geometry, it is an illusion, or - optical deception. phoebes, in a word. )))

here is the proof and explanation: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Исчезновение_клетки

I disagree. Those not paying attention to the lack of similarity of triangles can complain about cheating. Those who pay attention can talk about geometry. There are no thirds :)