FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 134


Why didn't you buy any euras?)

such silence on the forum))))

too early))))
What's to say, we won't go below 1.2250, added another low at 1.2268. This is just my opinion! I am in an anxious situation myself and cheer myself up ))

hello - can I have a template of your hannah grid?

Do you know why the euro and the Swiss franc are so correlated?

What's to say, we won't go below 1.2250, added another low at 1.2268. This is just my opinion! I am in an exciting situation and I cheer myself up ))
Oanda terminal opens before the others ... so the low was 1.22279 today
143alex 09.07.2012 13:35

Oanda terminal opens before others ... so the low today was 1.22279

I gave my opinion as of 13:20 Moscow time ))


9 July. /Dow Jones/. The euro/US dollar pair is targeting 1.2150 this week, Barclays says.

TheBarclays thing was going around in my headand I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I remembered

It is worth noting that on June 27, 2012, Barclays, the largest UK bank, was fined $452 million by US and UK regulators for manipulatingthe LIBOR rate. The investigation of manipulation with LIBOR was begun in 2008, and besides Barclays it involved such large banks as Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds Banking Group, Citigroup, HSBC, UBS and Deutsche Bank, with Barclays being the first bank to admit its responsibility. The investigation found that Barclays employees had repeatedly manipulated the LIBOR rate between 2005 and 2009.

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Hello all, I understand the question off topic but still, who knows something about pamm accounts where to open, where they do not bail interest goranti? For me it is just a forest, or where more or less truthful information to read?
Hi all, I understand the question off topic but still, who knows something about pamm accounts where to open, where they do not bail interest goranti? For me it is just a forest, or where a less true information to read?
i have an alpari account...seems to be ok....