Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 50


I made that assumption because you must be going through a breakdown. It's summer holiday. Stay home... Don't worry, you will get back to school soon. )))

Don't make me laugh....

Judging by your first example with the teacher, it seems that after graduation you go back to school and look for a primary school teacher to teach you. You have no concept of a chain of hierarchies of development, so your development is not ascending, but descending. After progress, regress))))))) You are dangerous to my mind and not only to mine. Apparently the process has dragged on and things have become irreversibly bad.

I am sorry and sympathetic.


Don't laugh my white slippers....

Judging by your first example with the teacher, it seems that after graduation you go back to school and look for a primary school teacher to teach you. You have no understanding of the chain of hierarchies of development, so your development is not ascending, but descending. After progress, regress))))))) You are dangerous to my mind and not only to mine. Apparently the process has dragged on and things have become irreversibly bad.

I am sorry and sympathetic.

By the way, on many planets the human language is considered to be a virus.... I remember after reading your rant. I am imbued with your understanding of the principles of building development and I am ready to take notes of all your sayings. Will you let me be your follower and quote some of your thoughts?

By the way, on many planets the human language is considered to be a virus.... I remember after reading your tirade. I am imbued with your understanding of the principles of building development and I am ready to take notes of all your sayings. Will you let me be your follower and quote some of your thoughts?
No, I can't, I'm just not a specialist in your narrow field. You should go to Kaschenko, they have teachers there, they will cure you, teach you, and even if everything goes well, they will teach you and discharge you.
God. ANI zappalaniiiliyi all plannneetu.

By the way, on many planets human language is considered a virus...

I couldn't help but wonder which ones you've been to. What are you talking about, man has been on which planets? And what living thing, LANGUAGE - like a virus has perished on them.

Oh boy, tell anyone, they will not believe that you talked to such a clever man.

No, I won't allow it, I'm just not a specialist in your narrow field. You should go to Kaschenko, they have teachers there, they will cure you, teach you, and even if everything goes well, they will teach you and discharge you.
God. ANI zappalaneeeee all planneeet.

I suppose such an excellent grasp of psychiatry gives you away as a regular patient of such facilities. In that case, I'd refer you to the British scientists... They're such varmints.

I assume your excellent grasp of the subject of psychiatry gives you away as a regular patient of such establishments.

But what to do, we will ruin the whole world, the Napoleons and the Garbachevs come five cheques a day, the Cesareans come two every day, there is not enough land in the world to give them for conquests. We have to reduce your population by all means.

It's sad, but what can you do? Somebody has to.


But what to do, we will ruin the whole world, the Napoleons and the Garbachevs come five cheques a day, the Cesareans come two every day, there is not enough land in the world to give them for conquests. We have to reduce your population by all means.

It's sad, but what can we do, someone has to.

So you work in a psychiatric clinic? Ahem. A doctor?

So you work in a psychiatric hospital? Ahem. A doctor?

No appointment, just a freebie? No way, so it's either a waiting list, or if I have a seizure, they'll bring me in. I won't be able to refuse, I'll have to take it that way.

I have a feeling they'll be here soon. Just a few more planets with your tongue and they'll be here for sure.


No appointment, you want to get in for free? No way, so it's either wait in line or if I have a seizure, they'll bring me in. I won't be able to refuse, I'll have to take it that way.

I have a feeling they'll be here soon. You'll infect a few more planets with your tongue and they'll be here for sure.

Something tells me that talking to you isn't productive at all, but it's terribly entertaining. I've got this image of a doctor working in an asylum when he's not treating patients with electric shocks, who thinks that he's dreaming and sometimes dabbles in xforex... I would like to point out that you should concern yourself with your job description. Patients are waiting for you, sir.

And it's you and not me who's writing from a madhouse!!! ))))


If you do not know what to do and what to expect, you may be right. I have got such an image here - a doctor working in a mental hospital during his breaks when he is not treating patients with electricity, thinks about dreams and sometimes dabbles in xforex... I would like to point out that you should take care of your job description. Patients are waiting for you, sir.

I see you as a trader, who broke a lot of rules about Forex, maybe even as a programming practitioner, who sometimes dabbles not even in esotericism, but in esoteric books. Perhaps you too should go back to your old unpromising business.

I'll manage the branch and forex on my own.

By the way, it is necessary to treat grief-stricken traders in a peculiar way. So doctors have to learn coding. )))))))))))))))))))))))