Negro! - page 56


Do you know how to drain? So that you can drain not on the spread? I don't think so...

Me, I know how!

I can drain any deposit, inexpensive, give me a deposit, only my interest will be left as a service fee :o)

Do you know how to drain? Do you know how to drain off the spread? I don't think so...

Oh, you don't know what I already know how to do)))

To drain not on the spread... is just as difficult as not losing on the spread.


Me, I can do it!

Any deposit drain, inexpensive, give me a deposit, only my interest will be left from it as a service fee :o)

Do you know how to drain not on the spread? .... (not including requotes not in your favour) You're a GRAAL!

Do you know how not to spread? .... (Not including requotes not in your favour) You are a Graalist!

No grail!!! Exclusively by hand )))

No grail!!! Exclusively by hand )))

Steady to drain not on the spread? ..... It's an inverted grail!)

All in all, it's no big deal, Sun.

The script is this one:

//|                                                  sanyooooook.mq4 |
#property copyright "Copyright © Mthmt, April 2012"

extern double  _deposit = 100.0;
extern double  _spread = 2.;
extern double  _tp = 30.;
extern double  _sl = 30.;
extern double  _startLot = 0.1;
extern double  _multiplier = 2.;
extern int     _howMany = 100000;

int _deathArr[ ];

int start( )
   ArrayResize( _deathArr, _howMany );
   MathSrand( GetTickCount( ) );
   double depo = _deposit;
   double lot = _startLot;
   double resPips;
   int count = 0;
   for( int i = 0; i < _howMany; i ++ )
      count = 0;
      lot = _startLot;
      depo = _deposit;
      while( depo > 0 )
         resPips = dealResultPips( );
         depo += resPips * lot * 10;
         count ++;
         if( resPips < 0 )      lot *= _multiplier;
      _deathArr[ i ] = count;
   toFile( );   
   return( 0 );

      int dealResultPips( )
         double ratio = ( _tp + _spread ) / _sl ;
         if( MathRand( ) < 32768. * ratio / 2  )         return( - _sl );     /// fail
         else                                            return(   _tp );     /// success   
      void toFile( )   
         int h = FileOpen( "death.txt", FILE_CSV | FILE_WRITE, " " );
         for( int i = 0; i < _howMany; i ++ )
            FileWrite( h, _deathArr[ i ] );
         FileClose( h );

The number of steps to the death of the deposit is output to a file. The number of tests is set in advance, there are 100 thousand here.

Minimal number of steps is 3 (0.1 plum, 0.2 plum, 0.4 plum - though there is not enough money for the third position, I did not take it into account). The maximum in this trial was 71. But it could be more if you do several trials.

About 90% of all trials are under 16 paces.

The average number of steps to death was 8.5.

If you're interested, I can make it so that you can see how the deposit itself changes in each trial. And, of course, take the deposit into account. The script will take much longer to run, but it will also be more interesting.

Yes, one more thing: I have roughly accounted for the spread, so that with equal sl and tp price you have to go a bit different distances.


Steady to drain not on the spread? ..... It's an inverted grail!))

All you have to do is enter the market with the whole deposit and go out for a beer... If even by some misunderstanding the first trade will go in the black, make a quick reversal with doubling (like martingale) and all is tip-top ^,...,^

2 Alexei.

Very interesting with the spread and margin. It's getting faster and it doesn't look very much like the spread is draining.

Alexey, is it possible to output the value of maximum profit before the drain and then calculate in excel the probability of pouring as I did?


Алексей, а можно вывести в результаты значение максимума прибыли до слива и затем посчитать в экселе вероятность налива как я делал?

Max profit before a pour is not difficult. Except that I haven't dealt with the likelihood of pouring out yet. We'll see.


It's a piece of cake, enter the market with the whole deposit and go out for a beer... If even by some misunderstanding the first trade goes in the black, make a quick reversal with doubling (like martingale) and everything is tip-top ^,...,^.
The hedgehog may do the same. Take a 2% risk per trade. So that the loss is not due to trading, but not to bad MM.