[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 622


I've finished the previous comment, see.

Yes, I understand now why there is a comparison for time in the loop, and time in general....

I also understand the LOGIC - mark "A", then exclude "A", but firstly, all the options WHERE this "A" can be pinned I've tried - and still the advisor returns me the last ticket, not the penultimate.


I have entered 2 loops (2 functions) - first your original, second with exception of "A"... run one after the other.

Prints zero....


if ( Hour()>=10 && Hour()<20)



Print ( ticket2,ticket);





int LastClosetPoz()


int Tot=OrdersHistoryTotal(),Ticket=-1; datetime time=0;



for(int i=0;i<OrdersHistoryTotal();i++)








time=OrderCloseTime();Ticket=OrderTicket(); A=Ticket;




else continue;






int Sec_LastClosetPoz()


int Tott=OrdersHistoryTotal(),Ticket2=-1; datetime time2=0;



for(int i=0;i<OrdersHistoryTotal();i++)












else continue;





Help me if I decided to write a robot in C/C++, for example. It's not a problem to write one, but how do I connect it with metatrader? How to get quotes and how to send a buy/sell signal back?

DLL - see examples. Is it possible that a programmer, who knows how to write in C/C++, is not able to deal with standard examples from МТ delivery and this despite the presence of a lot of materials on the forum?

DLL - see examples. Is it possible that a programmer who knows how to write in C/C++ is not able to understand standard examples from МТ delivery and this despite the fact that there is a lot of material on the forum?

I'm not a programmer, but sometimes write the simplest things myself. I don't need to write a complex robot in any language and it's not a problem at all. I want to write a robot with its own interface and not to execute part of functions as a dll and call them from μl. Thanks to all sorts of visual languages where this can be done without a lot of stress

Yes, I understand now why there is a comparison for time in the loop, and time in general....

I also understand the LOGIC - mark "A", then exclude "A", but firstly, all the options WHERE this "A" can be pinned I've tried - and still the advisor returns me the last ticket, not the penultimate.


I have entered 2 loops (2 functions) - first your original, second with exception of "A"... run one after the other.

Prints zero....

This function uses local variables, so it should not be run yes times as a separate function, make two loops one after the other in one function, or declare A as a global variable. I'll go get cigarettes and you try it, and if it doesn't work, knock me when I get back and we'll figure it out.

I'm not a programmer, but sometimes I write the simplest things myself. I want to write a simple robot in any language and it's not a problem at all. I wanted to write a whole robot with its own interface without calling Metatrader, not part of its functions in a dll and call them from μl. I have invented a lot of different visual languages, where this can be done without much effort.

If you do not want to use terminal features at all (more than a hundred different built-in functions, built-in indicators, the program interface itself), then it is not about a simple Expert Advisor, but about your own terminal, your own development, and I think they can hardly help you with that, especially in this branch.

This function uses local variables, so don't run it yes times as a separate function, make two loops one after the other in one function, or declare A as a global variable. I'll run out to get cigarettes, and you try it while, if you fail, knock me when I come back, we'll figure it out.

IS!!!! there was a small mistake...it was not Ticket but LastClosetPoz() and Sec_LastClosetPoz() that should have been printed.

I'm sure my version isn't the most elegant... but it works... How do you put two loops in one function... I don't know... I tried it... I got errors... to hell with it! (if it's not too much trouble - show me - it'll be useful to me, if not - well, never mind...) Thanks anyway.

However, I have a feeling if I need to figure out the ticket of the 35th closed transaction...I'll be in trouble with my approach :)))) hahahah

goodness that's not even on the horizon yet...3 at the most...


This function uses local variables, so don't run it yes times as a separate function, make two loops one after the other in one function, or declare A as a global variable. I'll go get some cigarettes and you can try it, and if it doesn't work, knock me when I get back and we'll figure it out.

worked until I inserted the following

if (OrderSelect( (LastClosetPoz (),SELECT_BY_TICKET)==true)) Print("Stop loss", OrderStopLoss();

it swears

')' - wrong parameters count G:\Program_Files_2\MT4-demo\experts\000.mq4 (57, 60)

I don't understand what it wants?




which is strange, because the examples in the tutorial always say so...

and it also rounded up the stop value...to the 4th digit...


IS!!!! there was a small mistake... the print should have been LastClosetPoz() and Sec_LastClosetPoz() instead of Ticket.

I'm sure my version is not the most elegant... But it works... How to insert two loops into one function... I don't know... I tried it... I got errors... to hell with it! (if it's not too much trouble - show me - it'll be useful to me, if not - well, never mind...) Thanks anyway.

However, I have a feeling if I need to figure out the ticket of the 35th closed transaction...I'll be in trouble with my approach :)))) hahahah

goodness that's not even on the horizon yet...3 at the most...

int Ticket1,Ticket2;
int fLastClosetPoz()
int Tot=OrdersHistoryTotal(),A,i;Ticket1=-1;Ticket2=-1;datetime time=0;
else continue;
else continue;
P.S. Andyou need to use a nested loop(i.e. loop in loop) to determinethe 35th closed trade.

int Ticket1,Ticket2;
int fLastClosetPoz()
int Tot=OrdersHistoryTotal(),A,i;Ticket1=-1;Ticket2=-1;datetime time=0;
else continue;
else continue;

prints zeros...does not work...will not dig any more, because it is obvious that the loops are simply substituted one for the other - the volume is clearly not reduced..... and we already have a working version. I can compare orders in the first variant... and here I can't even see where the second one is... and the first one is zero...

after some minor tinkering...which clearly develops the brain, this code worked too! :))) thanks


worked until I inserted the following

if ( Print("Stop loss", OrderStopLoss());) Print("Stop loss", OrderStopLoss();

it swears

')' - wrong parameters count G:\Program_Files_2\MT4-demo\experts\000.mq4 (57, 60)

I don't understand what it wants?

Again 45, in this form OrderSelect(LastClosetPoz (),SELECT_BY_TICKET) selects among pending and open orders by default and this order is not there. PutOrderSelect(LastClosetPoz (),SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_HISTORY).