[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 83


I added the last 4 files on the first page, it is adjusted to my settings!
Got it, can I use the demo or the real one?

roubles???? seems to be in your dollar!
micro-RUR account... I don't understand anything then...
the micro-RUR account... I don't understand anything at all then...

I just don't have a micro RUR!!!

When you read topics like this, you realise that the crisis of ideas is not a fiction.

And when you see that the topic grows by 40 pages a day, you understand that this is the peak of this crisis.

Someone is right: in the near future there will be only martingale, griders and other consequences of failed lobotomy.


I am testing on a broker with zero tray margin, open a thousand positions as long as the drawdown allows - margin is taken only for skewed positions)

awesome!!! 0!!!

When you read topics like this, you realise that the crisis of ideas is not a fiction.

And when you see that the topic grows by 40 pages a day, you understand that this is the peak of this crisis.

Someone is right: in the near future there will be only martingale, griders and other consequences of unsuccessful lobotomy.

Don't get your head in the game. Nobody knows the future!

cool!!! Walrus 0!!!
Yeah) You've got to be careful though. Get too much and cover one side at a time - wait for Nikolai)
Keep your head down. Nobody knows the future!
Thank you for your advice. It's so important to me. :)

When you read topics like this, you realise that the crisis of ideas is not a fiction.

And when you see that the topic grows by 40 pages a day, you understand that this is the peak of this crisis.

Someone is right: in the near future there will be only martingale, griders and other consequences of failed lobotomy.

That's either a compliment or a scolding!
Yeah) But you have to be careful how you cover. If you get too much and cover one side at a time, wait for Nikolai.)

who is! )))))))))