FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 42

That's what I'm saying, he has a point, but his view is not objective...

He is a hundred percent right here, but he is getting ahead of the game. A couple of days ago I was talking about a crisis awaiting us, a European crisis, but it will not be tomorrow, six months, a year, a year and a half, two months. In the meantime we have to beat the euro.

He is a hundred percent right here, but he is getting ahead of the game. A couple of days ago I was talking about a crisis awaiting us, a European crisis, but it will not be tomorrow, six months, a year, a year and a half, two years much. In the meantime we have to beat the euro.


Ahead are the problems of the US default and the start of the presidential election campaign, which will start this autumn and what happens to the dollar at that moment - everyone knows



Ahead of the problems of the US default and the beginning of the presidential campaign, which begins this fall and what happens to the dollar at this time - everyone knows

It's not a default after all, if you remember, there was a similar technical hiccup with the adoption of the budget not so long ago (they didn't have time and the country could have been left without a state apparatus). Nothing, it was adopted and everything fell into place. Dollar is not going anywhere, a lot is tied to it. On the other hand, the Euro is still struggling.

I do not insist, time will show... Of course, we will buy and sell.)

I have, according to the breakdown, the EUR growth till the end of September (at the moment it is still possible to go down to 1.38), and in October-early November the EUR fall from 1.52-53. But as they say, it is not a good forecast, there is nothing to look that far ahead, but still, it is a bit at odds with Margaret and Stranger's view.

It is not a default after all, if you remember, not so long ago there was a similar technical hitch with the adoption of the budget (not in time and the country could have been left without a state apparatus). Nothing, it was adopted and everything fell into place. Dollar is not going anywhere, a lot is tied to it. On the other hand, the Euro is still struggling.

I do not insist, time will show... Of course, we will buy and sell.)

I did not write default, but the problems of default (as it is called so by US analysts and accordingly by the media). Although Demura was saying that the credit rating should have been downgraded to rubbish level, not Greece, but the USA as they have much bigger problems...
I did not write default, but problems of default (as it is called so by American analysts and accordingly by the media). Although Demura was saying that it was not Greece that should have been downgraded to junk level, but the USA as they have much bigger problems...
Those problems are exaggerated by envious people, who dream of seeing the states in the trash bin. They will feel better then))
It is well known that China is striving to become the first country (economy) of the world and it is also known that a very large part of government bonds and securities are in China, Japan and Europe. It is likely that all these countries will not let the U.S. default, if this happens, there will be no one to pay back the money with a few zeros (trillions of dollars). ? Probably star wars will break out ... )

550pts up to the 15th .....Do you think it's realistic?

It is well known that China is striving to become the first country (economy) in the world and it is also known that a very large part of government bonds and securities are in China, Japan and Europe. It is likely that all these countries will not let the U.S. default, if this happens, there will be no one to pay back the money with a few zeros (trillions of dollars). ? Probably star wars will break out ...

And the fact that China will have nowhere to sell its tons of consumer goods does not bother you?)))
It is well known that China is striving to become the first country (economy) in the world and it is also known that a very large part of government bonds and securities are in China, Japan and Europe. It is likely that all these countries will not let the U.S. default, if this happens, there will be no one to pay back the money with a few zeros (trillions of dollars). ? Probably star wars will break out ... )

And the Chinese yuan is pegged to the dollar...Why would they want the dollar to collapse ? .... They will raise the bar and be happy)))