How to avoid slippage? - page 5

How do I know when a trend is in progress?
Any trend starts with a breakdown. A breakout is considered to be the start of a trend.
Any trend starts with a breakdown.

and how does a pullback start?
On a monthly? Estonian scalping?

This can go in the Annals!)))


How does the pullback start?
The pullback also begins, oddly enough, with a breakdown. The pullback is also human.
The bounceback also begins, oddly enough, with a breakdown. The bounce-back is also human.

how is it possible to make a profit here?
Right! But a good level is when your hands are behind your back and the EA is draining on the real, but slowly and without disasters. That's when you can think about more.
It seems that you are a follower of VictorArt's principles. He believes that stability is the most important for an Expert Advisor. It is better to have a stable loss than to have an unstable gain.

How do you make a penny and how do you make money?
Very simple: buy cheap, sell expensive.
Very simple: buy cheap, sell expensive.
It's a sliff


Very simple: buy cheap, sell expensive.
It's a sliff
Maybe it's called that in Estonian, but if I buy cheap and then sell expensive, or if I sell expensive first and then buy cheap, I make a profit.
You seem to be a supporter of VictorArt's principles. Who believes that the most important thing for an EA is stability. I'd rather have a stable loss than an unstable gain.
No, I just stopped reading his first posts. What I mean is different. The stability of a system displays its core that allows us to profit by using filters, MM, refinements, corrections and manual correction.
As a rule, systems which are profitable in one area and fail in another one are not amenable to improvement.