The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 158

Why look for input, etc.)) buy on the rise near the room temperature level, sell at 100. This is the whole system))

You have to bear in mind that there is also a fridge attached to the back of the pan (you just can't see it in the picture).

Who, when and at what power will turn it on - we don't know yet ;).

Why look for inputs etc.)) buy on the rise near room temperature level, sell at 100. That's the whole system))
You want to "drive" and the topic is for those who want "checkers".
You want to "drive", and the topic is for those who want "checkers".

More precisely, the topic is not for those who are only interested in acorns.


Keep in mind that there is also a fridge attached to the back of the pot (you just can't see it in the picture).

We don't know yet who, when and at what power it will be turned on.)

Let's do it)) Then graph over 100 different heats and easily create a profitable system without input signal, formulas etc.))
Why look for inputs etc.)) buy on the rise near room temperature level, sell at 100. That's the whole system))
I tried to say roughly the same thing in the previous two pages. If we know the patterns of the output signal (approximate type of curve), then that's enough to predict the process once it starts.
I have tried to say roughly the same thing in the previous two pages. If we know the patterns of the output signal (the approximate shape of the curve), then this is enough to predict the process once it has started.

Yes, it may not be necessary to reconstruct the input signal, control action, etc. Sometimes it is enough to know (determine by experience) that this control action does not change too fast. Or be able to determine when it does
Of course, I am not as smart as you, which is why I ask stupid questions, as you rightly pointed out. But, look at how you can get at market regularities by studying only the output signal, i.e. the price, although to understand them you have to sink to our, stupid, level, and that's not easy. The perfect, computer-accurate, coincidence of actual and calculated price values is achieved by analyzing the properties of the non-linear function. Have you ever seen anything like it?

Everywhere. Your confidence in the uniqueness of your own constructions indicates that you have no desire to read the relevant books/articles/journals, and your use of emotive coloring of the text instead of logical reasoning also indicates that you barely understand what you are doing.

In general, it's not a matter of intelligence, but of education, or rather self-education. During my time here, I have a strong impression that this is exactly what some individuals cannot do.


A. S. Klyuev, A. T. Lebedev, S. A. Klyuev, A. G. Tovarnov
Ed. A. S. Klyueva.
Adjustment of Automation Tools and Automatic Control Systems: Reference Manual

2nd edition, revised and enlarged

Moscow Energoatomizdat 1989

The fundamentals of applied geometry of automatic control, engineering methods of system adjustment are stated. The second edition of the book (the first was published in 1977) takes into account changes in the terminology and nomenclature of manufactured automation tools and new methods for calculating regulator settings.

For engineering and technical workers involved in the adjustment and operation of automatic systems.

Authors: A. S. Klyuev, A. T. Lebedev, S. A. Klyuev, A. G, Tovarnoe

Reviewer A. Ya. Serebryansky
Managing editor A. N. Gusyatskaya

Adjustment of automation equipment and automatic control systems : A reference guide. A. S. Klyuev, A. T. Lebedev, S. A. Klyuev, A. G. Tovarnoe; Ed. A. S. Klyueva. -2nd ed., revised. and add. - M .: Energoatomiz dat, 1989. - 368 s: ill.

Help Guide Contents
Adjustment of automation equipment and automatic control systems

Section 1. Mathematical foundations of engineering methods for setting up automatic control systems
1.1. General provisions
1.2. Fundamentals of the theory of functions of a complex variable
Complex numbers (b), Functions of a complex variable (7)
1.3. Series in the Fourier integral
Fourier series (9). Fourier integral (12). Fourier transform (14)
1.4. Fundamentals of vector calculus
Basic concepts (15). Operations on vectors (16). Vector analysis (17)
1.5. Elements of matrix calculus
Basic concepts (20). Matrix Algebra (22)
1.6. Fundamentals of Probability Theory
Random events (25). Random variables (26). Random vectors (27). Random functions (28)
1.7. Fundamentals of Operational Calculus
Continuous functions (31). Discrete functions (36)

Section 2. Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control
2.1. Basic concepts and definitions
2.2. Linear stationary continuous systems
Equations of motion (40). Typical exposures (41). Dynamic characteristics (42). Typical links (43). Link connection (43). Sustainability of ACP (48). Regulatory quality (52)
2.3. Linear Discrete Systems
Basic concepts and definitions (56). Equations of motion (56). Stability (58). Regulatory quality (60)
2.4. Nonlinear systems
Nonlinear characteristics (61). Linearization of nonlinear characteristics (63). Systems Research (66)

Section 3. Structure of automatic regulators
3.1. Classification of automatic regulators
3.2. Model regulatory laws
Proportional controllers (73). Integral regulators (75). Differential control devices (77). Proportional-integral controllers (77). Proportional-differential controllers (79). Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers (79)
3.3. Structural diagrams of analog industrial regulators
Proportional controllers (82). Proportional-integral controllers (83). Proportio-Integral-Derivative Controllers (85)
3.4. Switching Regulators with Constant Speed Actuators
3.5. Position controllers
3.6. Automatic direct acting regulators

Section 4. Adjustment of electrical means of automatic control
4.1. Modern principles of construction of electrical means of regulation
Complex of technical means of AKESR (97). Complex of technical means AKESR-2 (101). Complex of technical means "Kaskad-2" (104). The system of automatic control devices "Kontur" (106). Complex of control and regulation with non-belt structure KM2201 (107)
4.2. Regulating blocks pulsed RBI
Preinstalled check (115). Implementation of ACP with auto-tuning of RBIZ parameters (119)
4.3. Analog control blocks (RBA)
Pre-installation check (127). Implementation of ACP with RBA regulator (130)
4.4. Control device RP4
4.5. Control blocks pulse RBIM
Pre-installation check (140)
4.6. Relay control unit P21
Pre-installation check (149)
4.7. Analog control unit Р12
Pre-installation check (157)
4.8. Regulating block P27
Regulating module RO27.1 (165). Implementation of a three-position link with a return zone (168). Implementation of the PI regulation law (169). Implementation of the PID regulation law (172). Limiting the impact on the error signal (173). Pre-installation check (174)
4.9. Analog control block Р17
4.10. Regulating device P25
Pre-installation check (182)
4.11. Control devices BRAR1 and BRAA1

Section 5. Adjustment of pneumatic means of automatic control
5.1. Universal system of elements of industrial pneumatic automation
Pneumatic capacity (189). Air resistance (190). Elements of comparison (191). Power Amplifiers (195). Throttle adder (196). Pneumatic signal repeater (198). Switching relay (199). Pneumatic repeater power amplifier (199)
5.2. Complex of elements and modules of pneumatic automation
5.3. Typical functional links in systems and devices of pneumatic automation
5.4. General technical requirements and methods for testing pneumatic regulators
Technical requirements (208). Checking regulator parameters (209)
5.5. Pre-devices
Device for direct anticipation PF2.1 (211). PF3.1 back feed device (214)
5.6. Position controllers
Positional regulator PR1.5 (215). Position controller with adjustable return zone PR1.6 (217)
5.7. Analog regulators
Pneumatic proportional regulator PR2.8 (220). Proportional-integral controllers PR3.31 and PR3.32 (223). Ratio regulators pneumatic proportional-integral PRZ.ZZ and PR3.34 (228). Proportional-integral-differential controller PR3.35 (233). Pneumatic small-sized control device PR3.27M (239)
5.8. Complexes of technical means of pneumatic automation systems
Pneumatic control unit "Rezhim-1D" (243), Cascade control module MKU-6 (246). Operational control module for adjustable circuits M222B (247). Device showing multi-scale PPM-20P (247). Checking and adjusting the control schemes of the "Rezhim-1D" installation (249). Complex of pneumatic means "Ritminal" (252)

Section b. Adjustment of executive devices
6.1. General information about actuators
6.2. Throttle regulators
Gates (256). Butterfly valves (257). Control valves (259). Diaphragm and hose regulators (263). Gate valves (264). Cranes (264)
6.3. Selection and calculation of throttle control bodies
Calculation of throttle control bodies (269), Calculation procedure (269). Examples of calculations (278). Features of the calculation of injection control valves (281)
6.4. Adjustment of actuators
6.5. Adjustment of actuator control schemes
Electromagnetic actuators (288). Multi-turn actuators (290). Single turn actuators (299)

Section 7. Parametric optimization of automatic control systems
7.1. Determination of characteristics of regulated objects and disturbances
Determination of static characteristics of regulated objects (301). Determination of the dynamic characteristics of objects of regulation (308). Determination of statistical characteristics of disturbances (321)
7.2. Approximate Methods for Parametric Optimization of ACP
Optimality criteria (327). Approximate formulas for determining tuning parameters (331). Nomograms (331)
7.3. Analytical Methods for Parametric Optimization of ACP
Extended CFC method (331). Dispersion method (335). Information method (336). Maximum frequency response method (337)
7.4. Experimental Methods for Parametric Optimization of ASR
Setting up the ACP according to the method of "working out the perturbation in one inclusion" (338). The method of Ziegler and Nichols (338). Stepwise optimization with step response estimation at each step (338)
7.5. Determination of ACP settings With on/off controller
7.6. Modeling ACP on analog computers


1. Adjustment of automatic systems and process control devices: Reference manual / A. S. Klyuev, A. T. Lebedev, N. P. Semenov, A. G. Tovarnoe; Ed. A. S. Klyueva. Moscow: Energy, 1977.
2. Klyuev A. S., Lebedev A. T., Novikov S. I. Adjustment of automatic control systems for drum steam boilers. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1985.
3. Korn G., Corey T. Handbook of mathematics for scientists and engineers. M: Nauka, 1968.
4. Ivanov V. A., Chemodanov B. K., Medvedev V. S. Mathematical foundations of the theory of automatic control. Moscow: Higher school, 1971.
5. Feldbaum A. A., Butkovsky A. G. Methods of the theory of automatic control, M.: Nauka, 1971.
6. Handbook of automation / Ed. V. E. Nize and I. V. Antika. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1983.
7. Belyaev G. B., Kuzishchii V. F., Smirnov N. I. Technical means of automation in thermal power engineering. Moscow: Energoizdat, 1982.
8. Bmel'niov A. I., Emelyanov V. A. Actuators of industrial regulators. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1975.
9. Imbritsky M. I. Reference book on fittings of thermal power plants. Moscow: Energoizdat, 1981.
10. Araumanov E. S. Calculation and choice of regulatory bodies of automatic systems, M.: Energy, 1971.
11. Ivanov V. A. Regulation of power units. L.: Mashinostroenie, 1982.
12. Pletnev G. P. Automated management of thermal power plants. Moscow: Energoizdat, 1981.
13. Rotach V. Ya. Calculation of the dynamics of industrial automatic control systems. M,; Energy, 1973.
14. Klyuev AS Two-position automatic regulators and their setting. Moscow: Energy, 1967. 15. Klyuev AS, Tovarnoe AG Adjustment of automatic control systems for boilers. Moscow: Energy, 1970.
16. Lebedev A. T. Information bases for choosing the optimal settings for industrial regulators // Automation and telemechanics. 1977. No. 10. S. 16 - 22.
17. Lebedev A. T. Information method for calculating cascade automatic control systems // Automation and Telemechanics. 1980. No. 6. S. 188-191,
18. Klyuev A. S., Kolesnikov A. A. Speed optimization of automatic control systems. M: Energoizdat, 1982,
19. Dubrovsky A. Kh. The device of the electrical part of automation systems. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1984.
20. Automation of control systems setup/V. Ya. Rotach, V. F. Kuzishchin, A. S. Klyuev and others; Ed. V. Ya. Rotacha, Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1984.
21. Klyuev S. A. Calculation method for choke quadripoles in analog pneumatic control and computing devices // Installation and adjustment of automation and communication equipment. M.: TsBNTI MMSS USSR, 1985. No. 11. S. 13-17.
22. Klyuev S. A. Analysis of the structures and dynamic properties of pneumatic regulators PR3.35 // Installation and adjustment of automation and communication equipment. M.: TsBNTI MMSS USSR, 1986. No. 4. S. 13-19.
23. State system of industrial devices and automation equipment. Industry Catalog No. 9, Vol. 4. Issue. 3. Aggregate complex of electric means of regulation in microelectronic design AKESR. M.: TsNIITEI instrument making, 1980.
24. Rotach V. Ya. Theory of automatic control of heat and power processes: Textbook for universities. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1985.
25. GOST 21878-76. Random processes and dynamical systems. Terms and Definitions,
26. G. K. Krug, Yu. A. Sosulin, and V. A. Fattsev, Planning an experiment in problems of identification and electropolation. Moscow: Nauka, 1977.
27. L. P. Troshii, “Calculation of the parameters of transfer functions of high-order aperiodic links,” Izv. universities. Energy. 1970. No. 10. S. 89-94.
28. Karimov R. N., Volgin V. V. Statistical characteristics of random signals in automatic control systems. Saratov; SPI publishing house, 1971.
29. E. P. Stefan, Fundamentals of calculating the adjustment of heat and power process regulators. Moscow: Energy, 1972.


Automation of technological processes is a decisive factor in increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of products. Therefore, great attention is paid to automation issues in our country.

The quality of any automatic control system (ACS) depends on how well it is designed, installed, adjusted and operated. Many monographs, manuals and textbooks have been published on the design, installation and operation of industrial ACPs. The course "Design, installation and operation of ASR" is read in a number of universities.

The state of affairs with the adjustment of ACP is somewhat more complicated, although many works have been published on this issue: monographs, articles, instructions, etc.

The process of setting up any ACS consists of several stages: checking the correct installation, phasing circuits, checking equipment, identifying objects and disturbances, parametric optimization, testing, compiling documentation, etc. It is natural to state all these issues in depth and in detail "for all occasions" in one book is impossible, and inexpedient. It is necessary to highlight the main thing.

The authors discussed the plan for the second edition of the reference manual with the commissioning organizations of the USSR Ministry of Installation and Special Construction, the USSR Ministry of Energy and universities that train specialists in process automation. It was concluded that it is necessary to more closely combine the theoretical aspects of the adjustment of the automatic control system with practical recommendations that are useful not only to adjustment engineers, but also to university students. The proposed second edition of the reference manual was based on the previously published works of the authors.

10 years have passed since the publication of the first edition of the reference manual. During this time, significant changes have taken place in the practice of calculating automatic control systems and automation technology. This circumstance was taken into account by the authors when preparing the second edition. Additions about discrete functions and linear discrete systems

Over the past time, a number of regulators have been discontinued, new types of regulators have appeared, the instrument-making industry has mastered the production of new complexes of technical means of automatic control, which was also taken into account when processing the reference manual.

In preparing the second edition of the reference manual, the authors followed the same concepts as when writing the first edition. The modern volume and level of production automation, the complexity and variety of automatic control systems require an approach to their adjustment on a modern theoretical basis. Before proceeding with the adjustment of an automatic control system, it must be theoretically calculated. With the current level of development of computer technology, these calculations are not very laborious, but in order to make them, it is necessary to have a good command of the basics of the theory of automatic control and the corresponding mathematical apparatus. An intuitive approach to commissioning based on trial and error is now unacceptable.

In view of the foregoing, the revised and expanded second edition of the reference manual consists of seven sections.

In sec. 1 shows the basic information from the mathematical apparatus used in the production of adjustment work.

In sec. 2 shows the basics of the theory of automatic control, which every service engineer should know.

In sec. 3 classification and typical structures of automatic regulators are given. The material in this section will help the commissioning engineer to master the general principles and features of setting up an ACP with any automatic regulator, regardless of its design.

In sec. 4 and 5 set out the features of the adjustment, respectively, of electric and pneumatic automatic controllers and complexes of technical means of automatic control.

Section 6 discusses the issues of adjustment of actuators, namely actuators and regulatory bodies.

In sec. 7 sets out methods for parametric optimization of automatic control systems - determining the optimal settings for automatic controllers.

The reference material was compiled by: A. S. Klyuev - Sec. 3, 6, 7; A. T. Lebedev - sec. 1.2 and 7; S. A. Klyuev - sections 4 and 5; A. G. Commodity - sec. 6. When writing a reference manual, the authors used the experience of commissioning organizations of the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy, the USSR Ministry of Energy and the experience of training engineers for automation of technological processes at the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute. The mathematical apparatus used in the manual does not go beyond the corresponding courses taught at universities

The authors

Download book Ed. A. S. Klyueva. Adjustment of automation equipment and automatic control systems : A reference guide. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publishing House, 1989



The book is practical and contains many examples.



Download book Edited by A. S. Klyuev. Adjustment of Automation Devices and Automatic Control Systems: Reference Manual. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publishers, 1989.



The book has a practical orientation and contains many examples.

Thank you. I will read it

Thank you. I will read

I wish you every success.