When does it make sense to keep part of the robot code in an indicator? - page 4

By the way, the streams have long been agreed upon.
... and anyway, for those who can't write indicators, it really doesn't make any difference where to do the calculations in an EA or in an indicator.

Nonsense! We can have a competition. I will write an EMA indicator and call it from the Expert Advisor, and you will calculate this EMA in the Expert Advisor. You may use SMA, not EMA. The EMA would look more impressive.
Bullshit! (c) Function call is always slower than the same code without call. Just calculate the number of asembler operations and their execution time. It's possible only if some brake is specially put in EA to run simultaneously with indicator (if someone wants to compare performance).
Bullshit! A function call is always slower than the same code without a call. Just count the number of asembler operations and their execution time. This is possible only if some brake is deliberately put in Expert Advisor when running simultaneously with indicator (if someone wants to compare performance).

An Expert Advisor with a correct indicator will run faster. This is a fact
In fact, the topic can become much more meaningful if we return to the exact formulation of the first question:

When does it make sense to keep part of the robot code in an indicator? And stick to it carefully.

Then there are already some considerations.

1) When the execution of the Expert Advisor and the indicator are in different threads, and on different cores.

2) When the service of indicator buffers is convenient and appropriate.

3)... // shall we continue?


This is not the case in MT5. Parallel execution is an added incentive NOT to do everything in one.

It's just a foretaste. :)

Well, MT4 doesn't do it, but it's quite feasible.
Nonsense! A function call is always slower than the same code without a call.

Bullshit twice, because this statement does not apply to indicators.

If you don't know how to cook them, don't cook them, but don't shout in all corners that indicators are crap, because they are not.

Well, MT4 doesn't do that, although it's doable.
And what, does all fours run on the same core? I really don't know - for a long time I've been working exclusively with Five, I run Four very rarely.

The Expert Advisor with the correct indicator will work faster. This is a fact

Also in the EA you will simply get tired of doing some things that you can do in the indicator like 2x2.

If the calculations are absolutely identical, for example, the SMA in the EA and in the indicator is calculated through a cycle for the whole period, then when you call the external indicator, the testing will go a little longer, by 10-30%.


Twice nonsense, for this statement does not apply to indicators.

OK, then how do you explain that calculating the same thing is faster with an indicator?