[Archive! - page 394


Guys, what the fuck?

I got [Trade context is busy]. I run to the support, I ask, I say, what for the batva, check the ticket so-and-so. And they told me - there is no such a ticket in our system at all!

I am shocked... How can this be? - And where do I trade?


By the way, this number was not included in the broadcast.

Ivan Ivanovich and Pyotr Petrovich were drinking tea on the terrace when they noticed Stepan running towards them.
- Trouble, sir," shouted Stepan.
Ivan Ivanovich furrowed his brows:
- What else has happened there?
- Barin, the men are at the gate! They want you! Angry...
- So bring them here. Show them in, like important guests, with respect.
Stepan thought for a moment and then ran off. A little time has passed, and now a crowd of scowling men are lingering at the table.
- Who is the elder here, tell us what you have come for - Ivan Ivanovich said, pouring himself another cup of tea.
A white-bearded man in a tattered caftan came forward.
- Barin, the people are discontented here.
- Well, tell us what the people are discontented about, what they want.
- You announced that the tax increases by a factor of two. That's why the people aren't happy. They're going to your homestead. They want to make some noise.
- When are they coming?
- Tomorrow, at dawn.
- Well, let's make a deal. They can make some noise. But not at dawn, in the afternoon. So they don't disturb your sleep. And don't trample in front of the manor, you'll trample all my flowerbeds. So let's go over there, behind the ovine. And make sure there are no pitchforks, no stakes, and sober. I'll invite the gendarmes. It'll be as we agreed. They won't hurt you. And I'll come out to talk to you myself. Anybody with a stick, I'll give you a command and they'll hang you all up. And I'll lock you up in the stable like an elder.
- Thank you, sir, God bless you.
- Go on, go on.

Peter Petrovich looked at Ivan Ivanovich perplexedly.
- What do you mean by that? They are men. A lash and they'll run away on their own.
- You're a fool, Petr Petrovich. In your village, I heard you also raised the tribute one and a half times? How are the people behaving?
- They're grumbling, Ivan Ivanovich. They've been caught twice already - they tried to set fire to the farmstead. The groom is moaning, he says it hurts his hand to whip everyone. What to do? The tribute has to be raised, you know.
. Well, look, Pyotr Petrovich, tomorrow the men will come, they'll make some noise and hullabaloo. But peacefully, no one will try to torch the farmstead yet. And then I'll come out. I'll say yes, men, you're right. And I'll cut everyone's tribute by a quarter. What a joy it'll be! They'll carry me in their arms. They'll tell me they have the best lord. Then they'll get a dime each for vodka, and the whole village will love me. If you can't count it yourself, ask the clerk. If you can double the tribute and then cut it back by a quarter, it will still be one and a half times as much. You and I have achieved the same goal, only you have people angry and I have people happy. Do you know the difference?

How about some vodka, Pyotr Petrovich? Because tomorrow's going to be a hard day....

By the way, this number was not included in the broadcast.

watched it on free-to-air television.

United Russia experts: Protest sentiment in society declines

"Протест против итогов выборов значителен, но даже намеков на общенациональный характер он не имеет"

It's a shame that it's difficult for Russians to enter Moscow, maybe there would have been a nationwide
