[Archive! - page 492


S, in general I agree with you. But there is a nuance:

Что сделали вы лично для себя хотя бы за последние 10 лет?

Maybe you opened your own firm? So as not to whine that my uncle does not pay enough?

Maybe they improved their education, such as courses and a second specialty? To find a better-paid job?

In Moscow on December 10, the street was formed by people who can be satisfied with their material side of life. Not very rich, but also not poor, and young.

As it is in Maslow's pyramid: first the basic needs (to have enough to eat, to material wealth), and then the needs of a higher order. These people already have basic needs (a decent income). And your questions do not apply to these people (of course, not counting those who are not satisfied with a measly 60 thousand a month).

His merits are hard to overestimate.

And I agree with that, I even feel a little sorry for him. But history is full of cases where greatness is one step away from collapse. Think of Margaret Thatcher - or more recently, Silvio Berlusconi.

And Putin has made some critical mistakes in his time (the first reshuffle and, by the same token, the second). And he's making them now (the latest communication with the people on TV). He is now faced with the most difficult task: to solve the problem of his ratings dropping like a stone and turn them back towards the presidential election, and, moreover, to make them fair. If he does, well done, if he can't, well, his time has passed.


Something I have read, I have read, some lament about how the leeches suck their blood, how the oil dollars of the people are plundered.

And so I had an unintentional question - What exactly have these malcontents done for themselves, at least, for themselves. Not for everyone else, like they are demanding from Putin and co. and only for themselves?

What have you personally done for yourself in at least the last 10 years?

Maybe they opened their own company? So they don't whine that their uncle is not paying them enough?


I was the one who wrote about leeches.

You guessed it. I've started my own company. A chain of stalls. I started earning money. Soon Putin's officials (firefighters, sanitation workers, policemen - you name it!) greedily took over my business. They are brazen. Worse than leeches. Leeches fall off when they suck. These, on the other hand, are forever sucked in.

I stopped "giving and taking" - inspections, audits, license seizures started.... They ended up with criminal proceedings and my assets ending up in the hands of the right people.

In Russia it is impossible to run a normal business. In the eyes of the people, cops and thugs are synonymous.

And I'm not going to lick Putin's ass and write with tenderness on the forums (and I quote you): "Putin has already made history... His merits are hard to overestimate... Russia off its knees... Ah - syu-syu-syu ..."

Don't make people laugh. What is there (and I quote you) "respect in the international arena"? - The whole world is laughing at the Russian tandem. Abama practically spits in Medvedev's face when he rejects his invitations. Putin is already slowly beginning to resemble the late Brexit with his "amphorae" and flicker in the box. This is not really about Putin, by and large. But about the system he has created, about kleptocracy - the regime that now rules the country: "All for friends and all for enemies and the law" (from Mussolini).


Leopold the cat's revenge continues. Now in the style of Lukashenko's pissing, Luzhkov's pissing, NTV starts pissing on Gorbachev.

This is a kindergarten, not a government. A couple more rallies and they will get to Medvedev.) They will say, like Medvedev is my friend, but the truth is dearer.

They will find out that Medvedev uses foul language on the phone and has not paid tax on his iPhone as a gift...

How vulgar.

And the other day it looks like we will find out that Gorbachev will get money from the west to bring the country down


I was the one who wrote about leeches.

You guessed it. I have started my own company. A chain of stalls. I started earning money. Soon Putin's officials (firefighters, sanitation workers, tax collectors, policemen - you name it!) were greedily sucking up to my business. They are brazen. Worse than leeches. Leeches fall off when they suck. These, on the other hand, are sucked in for good.

When they stopped giving, they started inspections, audits, license seizures ..... They ended up with criminal proceedings and my assets passed into the right hands.

In Russia it is impossible to run a normal business. In the eyes of the people, cops and thugs are synonymous.

And I'm not going to lick Putin's ass and write with tenderness on the forums (and I quote you): "Putin has already made history... His merits are hard to overestimate... Russia off its knees... suh, suh, suh..."

Don't make people laugh. What is there (to quote you) - "respect in the international arena"? - The whole world is laughing at the Russian tandem. Putin has already started to resemble the late Brexit. And it's not really about Putin, by and large. But about the system he has created, the kleptocracy - the kind of regime that now rules the country: 'All for friends and all for enemies is law'.

You know, having been in business since '89, I do NOT believe you.

Because I know the current situation with the "stall" business in the big cities of Russia.

If we are talking about 2011 or let's say after 2008, then I clearly say - you are lying. You did not have any "stall network".

And the "firm" you invented is also predictable. :) And so are the hit-and-runs by "Putin's".

Lo and behold, there it is, the standard "propaganda" of the saviors of the regime.

What stalls, for fuck's sake. Don't make my slippers laugh.

It's scary how stupid these "saviors" are.

That's the reason we have no opposition - all the smart ones have their heads in business and the "concerned" hamsters make up all sorts of bullshit and DESCRIBE the great idea of liberal freedom. :(


How vulgar.

It's the same everywhere.

Leopold the cat's revenge continues. Now in the style of Lukashenko's pissing, Luzhkov's pissing, NTV starts pissing on Gorbachev.

This is a kindergarten, not a government. A couple more rallies and they will get to Medvedev.) They will say, like Medvedev is my friend, but the truth is dearer.

They will find out that Medvedev swears using foul language on the phone and has not paid tax on his iPhone as a gift...

How vulgar.

And the other day it looks like we will find out that Gorbachev will get money from the west to bring the country down

Gorbachev is a real jerk.

You know, having been in business since '89, I do not believe you.

Because I know the current situation with the "stall" business in the major cities of Russia.

Е... - you're lying. You didn't have any "stall network".

And the "firm" you invented is also predictable. :) And so are the raids by "Putin's".

That's the reason we have no opposition - all the smart ones have their heads in business, while the "horny" hamsters come up with all sorts of bullshit and DESCRIBE the great idea of liberal freedom. :(

It's all right with you. You're the one who's bullshitting around, you sugar-coated big shot! When you don't have an answer, the only answer you get is "you're a fool." But that's not an answer. It's child's play.

"In business since '89..." - and you don't know life!

Your daddy must be a good hustler - in the party of "crooks and thieves". And of course - it's like a sickle on the balls for you - when crooks are accused of stealing, cheating, and election fraud.

At least answer me on substance here. Go lick Putin's ass on the forums of the Nashi movement and others like it.

They will pamper you there and condescendingly praise you. But here, they're "rocking the boat" and you won't be able to sit on someone else's neck.


Later, at 11 p.m., trading on FORTS and in the stock market section of Standard resumed. However, this did not solve the traders' problems. New messages from the victims appeared online all night. " It was 71,000 rubles. I left before clearing in cache and 158 RI contracts in the shorts materialized out of the vacuum. Closed them. When I opened at 23.00 I got them in long. A loss of 125,000 rubles, or 180% of the depo account. Became -55,000 rubles in 4 minutes," writes another participant at Finam. "Went short before clearing at half deposit, closed it at the opening. I have 117 RI contracts and 223 Sbera contracts on the short. Closed them. At the opening at 23.00 I got them in long. The loss is 81,940 rubles or 20% of the deposit", reads one of the messages on Smart-lab.

Read full story: http://www.gazeta.ru/financial/2011/12/20/3935094.shtml

Gorbachev is a real jerk.

I'm getting off on you. One minute you're in the Canary Islands, the next you're asking for some kind of programming job, and now it turns out that you've been drinking vodka with Putin, and now you've been a businessman since '89. I'm just fucking with you. Write whatever you want, my kid lied less when he was 3 ))

I'm getting off on you. One minute you're in the Canary Islands, the next you're asking for some kind of programming job, and now it turns out you've been drinking vodka with Putin, and now you've been a businessman since '89. I'm just fucking with you. Write whatever you want, my kid lied less when he was 3 ))

Come on, stop hitting on him. He only had black pants under Gorbochev and some of his classmates had blue ones. That's why he's angry.