EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 646

Sold a bit of gold, don't know for nothing)))))
Set a buy limit of 1.4360 target of 1.4450.
Set buy limit 1.4360 target 1.4450.
Ok)))) Me too! =)
Sold a bit of gold, don't know for nothing)))))
gold is worth its weight in gold now :), but seriously, you should always keep gold in the bay, and buy and sell short positions on the reversals.
so I sold on the short one...
I read this news a long time ago... I remember that it concerns Portugal's bond settlement (maturity date approached)...
Ok, thanks.

The pound is up on the buy side

8 April. /Dow Jones/. The U.S. Federal Reserve will soon be alone with its extremely loose monetarypolicy, Commerzbank says. Its leaders can make as tough statements as they want, however until Fed's signals about rate increase become more specific, the U.S. dollar will remain under pressure, and even positive data will not help it. The bank notes that the levels of 1.4450, 1.4530 and 1.4580 should provide strong resistance for the EUR/USD pair from the psychological point of view. However, they are unlikely to be strong enough to stop the uptrend. At the time of writing, the EUR/USD was trading at 1.4411.
April 8. /Dow Jones/. The U.S. Federal Reserve will soon be alone with its extremely loose monetary policy, Commerzbank says. Its leaders may utter as tough statements as they want but until the Fed's signals of a rate hike become more specific, the U.S. dollar will remain under pressure and even positive data will not help it. The bank notes that the levels of 1.4450, 1.4530 and 1.4580 should provide strong resistance for the EUR/USD pair from the psychological point of view. However, they are unlikely to be strong enough to stop the uptrend. At the time of writing, the EUR/USD was trading at 1.4411.

We are waiting for the beginning of the American session, everything is clear with Europe, but not so much with the Americans, they can make a knight move.

08/04/2011 14:13:13

Yesterday showed once again that the best strategy to trade on the news is to stay away from it and sit in cache. Today's Asian session has surprises too. In one fling they renewed the multi-month high, having previously shaken everyone out of their positions with the news. Now traders have a difficult task, it's expensive to go long, and going short after such a spike might fall against the trend. Long time ago I wrote, that at the level of the new high they may set a trap for the classic TA fans. A short of the zone 1.4250-1.4350 is very logical and if we look at the distribution of forces by account, we have Long 35% and Short 65%. I.e. quite a lot of players are shorting now and they can be easily fined. The "anti-retail" strategy is very popular at the moment. This is the main difficulty of trading today. The level of 1.4375 has formed a volumetric knot, and there are many volumetric holes left by Asia below, and usually they close quickly. But maybe not this time. Therefore any pullback today can be taken as a long, shorts only from very conservative levels and a profit every 10 pips.
Short levels today: 1.4413 (R2)/ 1.4432(2.618xIB)/ 1.4476-1.4495 (3xIB; R3)/ 1.4521 (WR3)/ 1.4554(Hi-13.01.11)
Long levels today: 1.4365-1.4357 (R2; SP)/ 1.4333-1.4322 (R1; SP)/ 1.4296-1.4271 (WR1; SP; PP; DVAH_Week)
P.S. For spot forex to quotations +20 ticks
Happy Trades!

Authored by forexpros

Yeah it looks like we'll make it to 14-15, 4535 and then down from there

Couldn't agree more.... and it looks like it's a long way back...