EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 380


I agree. I have started to get a sense of-movement. Today was my first time voicing it....)))) Didn't realise what was forming but knew we were going to move upwards. OK, I'll shut up so they don't think I'm an idiot....)))
There, now you can understand me and that's a relief...

Wozny has a branch called "Homework", there are plenty of guys doing markups in various scenarios. Better and more competent, in Russian-language forums, can't be found....))))) I will not say anything about this guy Kovalev's mistakes. He does not have the main "What is formed, what he sees, and without that a pittance of any markup. It's called RATIONALE, i.e. why is it so?

Why do some people like chubby women... I, for example, like thin women... some like apples... some like oranges... It's the same here...

If you haven't seen waves in a hundred years, you shouldn't go in (I'm talking about me)... if the guy you're talking about didn't see any waves either, but got in - hence the problems...

it's just to each his own ... and you have to trade what you see ...

Please note that the screenshots are not mine, but from UMIS... I'm not a volnovnik... I'm a classicist

What the heck is a classic in forex? What kind of methods is that?

why some people like chubby women... and me, for example, thin women... some like apples... others like oranges... it's the same here...

If you haven't seen waves in a hundred years, you shouldn't go in (I'm talking about me)... if the guy you're talking about didn't see any waves either, but got in - hence the problems...

it's just to each his own...and you have to trade what you see...

This is the wrong topic. People are not allowed to discuss evil. Allah will punish. I apologise, but I will not discuss this marking and the specialist again.

This is not the right topic. People are not allowed to discuss evil. Allah will punish. I apologise, but this marking and the specialist will not be discussed again.

no one is talking about discussion..just talking about talents and preferences.... you can't go against your inner nature....

What the hell is a classic in forex? What are the methods?
It is a trade based on Fibo levels, two classic trend indicators and two classic oscillators...
It is a trade based on Fibo levels, two classic trend indicators and two classic oscillators...

and that's on the medium and long term? So you don't trade intraday?

And this is on the medium and long term? You mean you don't trade intraday?
See my post at the bottom of the previous page

I'm about to get a licensed "ticking" program, so I'm going to learn it. Many people working with it think that it is the only way to understand the correctness of a wave. I noticed that the one-minute chart is too crude to see the full structure of the wave. I will learn to work and analyse with this program, let's see what I will get, but my friends' results are impressive....))))

This is not the right topic. People are not allowed to discuss evil. Allah will punish. I apologise, but I will not discuss this marking and the specialist any more.
I'm deleting this chart...