Again and again about taxes ... So, to pay or not to pay?



I've read quite a few different threads about taxes. Still want to know your answer.

Interesting, I've been trading for 5 years and have made $1.5 million. Every month from the deposit withdraw the cream of the 5,000 quid (150k wooden). At the end of the year comes to 1.8 million rubles. That is an annual income of 1.8M.

All this money (150k der.) Each month, transferred to an account in the bank, for example VTB24.

Question. Skoka real will drip to the account including interest, and whether to pay this interest? What happens if I do not pay them? I would say that if I do not want to pay, I do not want to pay.

At the moment, the amount to be transferred by post is 600,000 roubles.

Well, what can I say, congratulations!

1. evaluation of the state's performance on a 5-point scale.

2. Below 3 - do not pay :-))

3. Above three - pay according to circumstances, if you really want to :-)))

4. If you want to live peacefully - do not pay.

5. Do not keep money in local banks.

6. All money in foreign banks.

7. Spend it here with a card.



I've read quite a few different threads about taxes. I'd still like to know your answer.

I wonder if I've been trading for 5 years and have made $1.5 million...

And how did you trade, can you share your knowledge?
And how have you traded, can you share your knowledge?
I can share my knowledge and I also have a question. I have been trading for 3 years and have made 10 million GZN, but that is not the main thing. I'm about to move to the Canary Islands. Who thinks I can get treatment here or there? Where are the doctors better?

Interesting, traded for 5 years and made $1.5 million.

Bullshit. Just reading this phrase raises a few questions, and the most innocuous of them, but what did you trade (drugs, weapons, alcohol, gasoline, etc.) underline the point... :)))))

Bullshit. Just read the phrase, there are several questions, and the most innocuous of them, and what are you trading (drugs, weapons, alcohol, gasoline, etc.) underline the proper ... :)))))

I'm not defending the person who started it, but you have been too hasty with your nonsense.

5 years is 60 months.

initial deposit of 5000 quid (not so much).

Profit of 10% per month (also not much of a profit).

Do the math if you don't believe me.

The main thing here is not that it happened exactly like that, but that it is possible, so you should not say anything about alcohol and gasoline...


In fact, at that time, if he was smoothly increasing his profit for 5 years, it would have been about 1.25 Mio. Navik asked him something about the Expert Advisor, and he had to buy it and suffer with it without being a programmer, having four successful years of trading, which increased the family treasury by 1.25 Mio $?

Well, it's all bullshit...


A profit of 10% a month (not much of a profit either)

In fact, the topicstarter clearly stated the amount of profit per month, "Each month from this deposit, I withdraw the cream in the form of 5,000 quid", this is not 10% of the assumed you.

The main thing here is not that this is exactly what happened, but that it is possible in principle, so you're wrong about alcohol and gasoline...

And here I agree with you, "about alcohol and gasoline" ... I was wrong, drugs for sure ...

And why did he think that the forum programmers will give him an answer to his legal question, he rather need to go to a law firm with his wooden money, except that the catch is that they do not take into account the demo-bucks there ...


If you have a monthly income of $5,000 (60,000 a year). (Or with such monthly flows through an official financial institution (bank) to expect that the tax authorities (and not only) will not come? In addition, to ask on the forum, what should I do as a dollar millionaire from Forex? Any sensible person will answer - a clinic


In fact, the topicstarter clearly stated the amount of profit per month, "Every month from this deposit, I withdraw the cream in the form of 5,000 quid," this is not 10% assumed by you.

Don't get confused, your question was about impossibility per se, I gave you an example that it is possible and how.

I do not care how they were actually earned there, moreover, I doubt that the author of this topic actually earned them or has, since with such an amount you can order a competent legal support, to withdraw all on a deposit in a secure bank, and the very live on the interest ... You do not need to make such a fuss in forums where people do not spend that much money on the market ... But these are all details...

I repeat the main thing - you doubt the possibility as such, I just showed that it's possible :)