Adviser to the whole world - page 105


What's this? I don't have Excel here
Sorry, that was five years ago - May 2009.
Sorry, that was 11 years ago - May 2003.
What was?
I fooled Sberbank with those spreadsheets at the time.
I fooled Sberbank with those spreadsheets at the time.

Are you sure it was you who fooled...:-))

are you sure it was you who was fooling around... :-)))

Well, not so much, but not so much either :)

Well, not very much, but not very much either :)

And now you've got it figured out?

And now it's cracked?

No, you can do it now. Back then you had to be present in person for MLA transactions, but now you can do it through Sberbank online, which makes up for the increased speed of their work.

No, you can now. Back then you had to be present in person for MLA transactions, but now you can do it through Sberbank online, which makes up for the increased speed of their work.
Yeah, and of course it's not punishable...
Is it punishable if I execute a transaction faster than the SB approves new quotes?