Can it be? - page 39


What proof do you have that Wojtowicz is not an idiot? Do you have any facts? On this forum he has quite shown himself to be one.

I'm not calling names, the question is really open to me. We need to make up our minds.


Richie, I'm sorry, but a thread can be deleted not at a member's request, but if posts are found to be in violation of forum rules.

Please make specific claims about specific nicknames with specific posts. You can also private, if not here.


. You're sitting here discussing. Do you take Wojtowicz for an idiot or what?


Honestly - yes

Mathemat: Richie, извините, но тема может быть удалена не по желанию участника, а в том случае, если в ней будут обнаружены посты, нарушающие Правила форума. Прошу предъявить конкретные претензии к конкретным никам с указанием конкретных постов. Можно и в личку, если не здесь.

Well, if you don't want to do it, don't delete it. Discuss the "toothbrush manual" thinking it's War and Peace. I'm not gonna complain about anybody. I'm out of this thread :)


1. Some concepts about price movements.

2. Some concepts of trading patterns.

3. Grid. Pitch. Unit.

Types of orders. 4.

5. Double positions.

6. Lock ("Lock") and exit (by system).

7. Use of "Distance".

8. Cycles.

9. Ahead of time.

10. Reduction.

11. Take profit , Stop loss.

12. Total loss.

13. Intentional losses.


... I didn't know there was going to be such a "boozefest".

"Don't ask a question if you don't know the answer." I hope you don't take this wisdom literally. If the question is asked, accept the answers with dignity.

Well, if you don't want to do it, don't delete it. Discuss the "toothbrush manual" thinking it's War and Peace. I'm not gonna complain about anybody. I'm out of this thread :)

If I'm an irritant, I'll stay out of this thread and you continue with the "Thursday evening meetings", since they are in fact in demand, regardless of the reasons for interest in them .

And the possibility that this is just an attempt to build equi-bars and work on them is not considered?
TheXpert, do you have reason to think so?
And the possibility that this is just an attempt to build equi-bars and work on them is not considered?

Then the level of presentation would be different, qualitatively different