Looking for an MQL4 programmer for cooperation - page 13

Hedin писал(а) >>
If there are programmers willing to collaborate, the offer still stands.

Hedin, programmers are usually a lot smarter than traders and usually know a lot more and are very good with languages. Do not have any illusions on this subject.
** Well, if a programmer only earns by trading, what for he needs someone else. For example, he has other programmers to keep him busy, because coding is a job.
*** Just write your brilliant idea - like - "here's a blah-blah-blah idea, let's program it". Just describe it in detail, because I don't think anybody else will fit in.
*** Salary of an average programmer from finance in NY for example - is something in the region of $200000 ( before tax ) per year. The pay rises to more than a million. In Moscow $3500 a month after tax, in St. Petersburg about the same. Do you know what I am talking about? :))
Hedin >>:
Если есть программисты желающие сотрудничать, то предложение по-прежнему в силе.

I don't get it.
What happened to your message about the pile of offers you received from programmers and traders in your inbox ?
Mischek писал(а) >>

I don't get it.
What happened to your message about getting lots of suggestions from programmers and traders in your inbox?

Obviously, the customer sifted them out as not passing professional selection :)
The ideas are so valuable that not everyone can be trusted to execute them, even for a fee.


Anyone wishing to have a free programmer of their own. Go to the nearest bookshop and buy a children's book like "Thinking Tasks" or the like, or an Eisenk IQ test book, and try to solve them... I wonder how long you'll last, you'll be exhausted in 15 minutes. A programmer works on these problems all day long from morning till night.

Integer писал(а) >>

Anyone wishing to have their own free programmer. Go to the nearest bookstore, buy a children's book like "Smart Problems".

Off-target (((.
Those who make such "orders" will not buy anything from the shop. Freebies rule.

Integer писал(а) >> Go to the nearest bookstore and buy a children's book like "Tasks for Intelligence" or the like, or an Eisenk IQ test book.

"Buy" is not the right word - scam ))))

Mischek >>:

Не понял
А куда делось ваше сообщение о полученной куче предложений от программистов и трейдеров, поступивших в вашу личку ?

It's your idea about the pile,
We are communicating with those who have responded, because everyone has their own interests, employment, etc.
Hedin >>:

Про кучу это Ваша придумка,
с теми же кто откликнулся общаемся, ведь у каждого свои интересы, занятость и т.п.

The question was where did the message go?
and it's not an invention but an exaggeration that pales in comparison to your clinical laziness and freelancing
Hedin >>:

ведь у каждого свои интересы, занятость и т.п.

So I was told to fuck off, too.

Mischek >>:

Вопрос был куда делось сообщение
и это не придумка а преувеличение, которое меркнет на фоне вашей клинической лени и халявоискательства

saw this message too
