A script to close all open orders. - page 8

SofTAA писал(а) >>

OK, I'll fix it and post it tonight if I don't forget).


sever29 >>:


You'll never forget.)

scripts_4.zip  4 kb
SofTAA писал(а) >>

>> Yeah, with you there's no forgetting it.)

water grinds stone
sever29 >>:

вода камень точит

You were right to remind me, because it had already slipped my mind.


Works according to the ToR. Allow me to express my gratitude with a token amount of money... Purse number please tell me.

sever29 >>:

Работает по ТЗ. Разрешите выразить благодарность символической суммой... № кошеля скажите.

Wouldn't mind a thank you. I've sent the number to you in a private message.

SofTAA писал(а) >>

Wouldn't mind a thank you. I sent the number in a private message.

You've got a Z wallet there, I've got an R wallet open right now.

sever29 >>:

У тебя там Z кошелек, у меня щас открыт R.

sent a ruble


If you have some free time, consider my suggestion to add, to the script, a break-even level.

sever29 >>:

Если у Вас будет свободное время, рассмотрите мое предложение по добавлению, к скрипту, уровня безубытка.

I'll do it, I'll clean it up a bit and then I'll screw the line on. There's only five minutes of work, but I have to get distracted. If anything, knock in the mail tomorrow somewhere between 16-17, because my memory is girlish)
