Put in a good word about the occasional wanderer... - page 9

Men, post the links here if you don't mind. That would be helpful.
Mathemat >>:
Запускай только тот, который не переименовал (самый маленький, он был прикреплен тут первым). У него у единственного останется расширение zip. Остальные система не прочитает, расширения такие.
Инструкцию (мою) читай чуть выше.

Thanks, I did it that way, something must have got lost in the way, I think it's easier to download from http://slil.ru/28877713

All downloaded, all unzipped. Thank you.

Getting back to the topic.

I'll quote my "thoughts"...


Fourier will do even better. Is there a struggle for the number of parameters to be estimated? Or is the physical meaning of the model taken into account?

Let's go back to the Galton board, shall we? ;)

And the nails will correspond to the levels and scales of the target (possible) levels of the "players".

The five digits have changed the picture of the financial world in a big way. And I think it is this variability (in time and price) of 'nails' on the bounce/break that gives , when adding two or more random wanderings in their own coordinate grids, the 'thick-tail' in the distributions we observe.

Please forgive, for another unceremonious intrusion into the unhurried conversation of learned men. ;)


a spline is really good for describing a smoothed shoreline!

Accidentally got as far as the arctangence...



As Roche says - "let's fluff it up"... :)


the bottom line is a strange weight they will gain in the limit -

and "my charm" in the "flip" on forex (like USDEUR) which I have already mentioned many times

This is me wanting to cheer up/excite Alexei!

Fibo rules on forex - this has to be proved...


and the trick is in the shifter


In continuation. there is a reason!


the straying doesn't add up at all.

but bounces...



are adding up not wanderings at all.

but bounces...


Of course, no matter how you look at it, in the end the quotes are pegged to retail spot-Forex and as intense the process is there, so fast is the price movement in the terminal

http://www.internat-mid.su/top/musilm/waswithus/page170/ - some interesting things about Shiryaev...

sh.rar  266 kb

http://www.internat-mid.su/top/musilm/waswithus/page170/ - some interesting things about Shiryaev...

However... there must be something interesting in his books :-).