Avalanche - page 178

JonKatana >>:

А почему не сегодня? Ведь вы уже заявили, что открывали два ордера и залог у вас был равен 0? Отвечайте за свои слова! И не завтра, а сегодня. Либо выложите скриншоты завтра, но с сегодняшней, либо вчерашней датой - потому что вы СЕГОДНЯ заявили, что открывали ордера на демке. Сегодня воскресенье - форекс закрыт. Предположим, вы сделали это вчера - но вчера была суббота - тоже не торговый день! Поэтому либо скриншоты сегодняшним числом, либо вы лжете! А пока вам - ваши же слова:

Are you an idiot? I'm not lying, unlike you. Give me a quote where I said I opened it today or else it's a lie. I said I checked, I didn't say I opened them at all... I've been opening them for three years. Where I said I opened it today, I said I checked. You're lying and deliberately twisting my words. Give me a quote where I said I opened today.
JonKatana писал(а) >>

... to explain my conclusions to someone who has not studied psychology for more than ten years, I would need at least a few years' worth of lectures by at least students.

So you are an expert not only in trading but also in psychology?
They say "he who is talented is talented in everything".

I think this thread is a disgrace to the forum.
There's something low about watching the daily degradation of a disabled person's brain and not deleting the thread
E_mc2 >>:
Ты что дибил??Я в отличии отттебя не вру. Приведи цитау где я сказал что открывал сегодня иначе это ложь. Я сказал проверял, я вообще не говрил что открывал ..я их три года открывал. Где я сказал что открывал именно сегодня, я сказал проверял. Ты лжошь и насеренно перекручиваешь мои слова. Давай цитату где я сказал что открывал сегодня.

You're welcome. The number 7829 first appeared in my example, which I wrote on 17.04.2010 at 18:47, i.e. Saturday night. Then on 18.04.2010 at 19:12 you wrote the following:

E_mc2 >>:

You're a moron...this is your bullshit theorist who has never even traded a demo in his life. And I'm telling you take a DC with collateral compensation on multidirectional orders and just check it out. You're an idiot and you're bullshitting me. You're not talking to me with your stupid words. I checked on the demo open 1 lot pledge 7,829 rubles... open an order in the opposite direction on 1 lot of the pledge becomes 0. That's practice for you, theorist fool. You have got a poser on the entire forum and it's obvious that you have never traded even on a demo. Check the demo and make sure you're an idiot. They don't refund the deposit, they just won't take it for two orders.
Point two. Don't be an idiot. You know you're talking about 4 lots, not orders. When an asshole has nothing to say on the matter, he starts making spelling mistakes.
On point three. You're still the same as you were a sheep. You're not gonna open for 100 lots. You're going to open within a deposit of, say, 3 lots. You are so dumb that you don't understand that in order to open an opposite order, you have to open an order in any direction. What are you talking about half wise? If you open 3 lots in the opposite direction, the whole deposit will be refunded. four lots will compensate the deposit for two lots. A three-lot order requires an extra margin of 7,829. And it opens without a problem.

You're a foolish theorist. You're not a real trader.

From which it follows that you checked opened this particular lot between Saturday evening and Sunday evening. Because even if you had the gift of foresight and opened an order with the same size in other previous days, the amount of the deposit would have been different because of changes in currency rates. From which it follows that you are lying.

But I was wrong about brokerage houses with margin compensation on differently directed orders of the same volume. Such brokerage companies do refund the margin for the first open order when a second opposite direction with the same volume is opened. There are such brokerage companies in Russia too - not only in Ukraine. You have solved my problem - congratulations!
JonKatana >>:

Да пожалуйста. Впервые число 7829 рублей появилось в моем примере, который я написал 17.04.2010 в 18:47, то есть в субботу вечером. После чего 18.04.2010 в 19:12 вы написали следующее:

Из чего следует, что вы проверяли открывали именно этот лот в промежутке между вечером субботы и вечером воскресенья. Потому что, даже обладая даром предвидения и открыв ордер таким же объемом в другие предыдущие дни, сумма залога была бы другая из-за изменения котировок валют. Из чего следует, что вы лжете.

What an idiot, a real idiot. The brokerage house where I traded didn't have any rubles at all. I told you in rubles, so that you could understand in the context of what you said about rubles. So don't pick on me. I checked three years in a row. The deposit for two opposing orders was zero. In Mongolian tugriks or Belarusian rabbits or shekels. You're an idiot.
And don't speculate with the numbers. I've traded for three years in a brokerage house where the margin for two different directions is 0. I checked that five years ago.
Give me a quote where I said I opened today or else it's a lie.
JonKatana >>:
Но я был неправ насчет ДЦ с компенсацией маржи на разнонаправленных ордерах одинакового объема. В таких ДЦ залог за первый открытый ордер действительно возвращают при открытии второго противоположного направления того же объема. В России такие ДЦ тоже есть - не только в Украине. Вы решили мою задачу - поздравляю!

HOWARD!!! You're finally getting it. But I don't believe you're a real trader. You can't be a real trader who doesn't know such elementary things. You're a trader, and a poor student of the theory!
E_mc2 >>:
А теперь дибил обьясни ты понимаешь какой ты бред пишешь?? Ану раскажи как это в МТ 5 не будет лишнего разворота и как ты быстрее выйдешь в безубыток. Особенно обьясни как это в /МТ 4 убытки привратяца в прибыль.
Ты лжож. Всё что ты написал это ложь теоретика.

For example, the channel is 40 pips wide and we open the first order by Buy.

A second Sell order is triggered after the first reversal. In MT4 we have a -40 loss hanging over the top order, in MT5 the loss of 40 pips is already taken and a Sell order is opened.

The price makes a second reverse, goes back to the border of the channel and leaves it slightly (10 pips). In MT5 we have fixed the second loss of -40 pips and have opened the third order - Buy, while in MT4 the loss of the first order (-40) has turned into a profit of +10 pips, because we have not fixed it and price has gone back to the outer boundary of the channel! That is what I meant.

I've already written about the extra pivot several times - read it carefully.

Mischek >>:
Есть в этом что то низкое, наблюдать за ежедневной деградацией мозга инвалида и не удалять ветку

No, it's just remission: the guy went on the forum and started giving away his stuff for free. You should be happy!

But for E_mc2's state of mind it's time to start worrying. Oleg is not taking care of himself...

E_mc2 >>:
От дибил натуральный дибил. В том ДЦ где я торговал вообще никаких рублей не было . Я тебе казал в рублях что б тебе придурку было понятней в контексте того что ты начал про рубли. Так что не придирайся . Переведи в доллары какая разница суть не изменица я проверял три года подряд..залог за два разнонаправленых ордера 0. Хоть в монгольских тугриках, хоть в белоруских зайчиках, хоть в шекелях А ты дибил.
И не строй догадки с числами. Я три года торговал в ДЦ где маржа за два разнонаправленых оредра 0. Я это проверил ещё 5 лет назад.
Приведи цитату где я сказал что сегодня открывал иначе это ложь.

How many times do I bring her up? I already cited it:

E_mc2 >>:

multidirectional orders and just check it out. You idiot is sick of bullshit. You don't give me stupid words. I`ve tried it with demo, opened 1 lot, deposit 782 roubles, open order in opposite direction, deposit becomes 0.
In the meantime to you - your words:
E_mc2 >>
What a fucking moron. I wouldn't trade with a brokerage house that didn't have any roubles. I told you in rubles, to make it clearer to you, moron, in the context of what you started about rubles. So do not pick on me. I checked three years in a row. The deposit for two opposing orders was zero. In Mongolian tugriks or Belarusian rabbits or shekels . You're an idiot.
And don't speculate with the numbers. I've traded for three years in a brokerage house where the margin for two different directions is 0. I checked this five years ago.
Give me a quote where I said I opened today or else it's a lie.