Avalanche - page 134


Give me a written EA for testing
I'll put it on a real account with monitoring...
Maybe I will believe in a miracle

AlexSTAL >>:

Дайте написанного советника для тестирования
На реал с мониторингом поставлю...
Может поверю в чудо

Take your time !
You need to get it right first, but in the meantime this EA doesn't look like much of a catch :)
Galina писал(а) >>

Take your time !
You need to get it right first, but in the meantime this EA doesn't look like much of a catch :)

Well, maybe someone may have a couple more written variants...
I was thinking maybe I should try my swings without SL and TP, with a profit - CloseBy and break-even with trawl....
Earned - withdrawn money.

At least now I try to withdraw $100 every day... like a paycheck for the day.
AlexSTAL >>:

Дык может у кого в закромах ещё пару написанных вариантов...
Я тут подумал, может мне мои качели попробовать без SL и TP запустить, при профите - CloseBy и в безубыток с тралом....
Заработал - вывел деньги.

Ну по крайней мере сейчас я стараюсь каждый день 100$ выводить... типа з/п за день

That's right,
Sometimes the money's worth holding in your hands.
I'm also withdrawing as I'm doubling up.
Galina >>:

Потестировала пару раз вашего бота.
Давайте рассмотрим все подробнее:
1. Бот открыл первую позу, она уходит в минус... открывается обратная на заданном расстоянии, обьемом в два раза большим. Тут все понятно.
Бот открыл первую позу, она уходит в плюс...... что делает бот ? ничего, ждет когда поза уйдет в минус, что бы мона было открыть обратную.
ВВОДИТЕ ТЕЙК ПРОФИТ, как для первой, так и для последующих позиций.
И еще кое что.
2. При таком подходе неважно куда идет рынок, то есть нет смысла ставить два отложника на пробой от текущей цены.
Пусть бот открывает позы наобум, в любую сторону ! например, если предыдущая свеча черная, то со следующей бай.
Это так же повысит его производительность, тем более если бот на минутах будет торговать. Тем больше позизий он откроет, тем для него лутше.
А так, он просто выставляет отложники и сидит целую вечность, все ждет, когда какая то из них сработает.
Диапазон нужен, я имею ввиду отложники на заданном растоянии тогда и только тогда, когда поза уже открта !!!
Если не сложно, пожалуйсто, доработайте код, пусть люди пользуются, кому нужно.
(я например не сильна в программировании, мне в основном помогают, поэтому писать его сама не стану, а просить друзей лишний раз, то же как то не очень хочется. Уж поймите....)
А сливная система или нет, каждый для себя вправе решить сам.
Тем более, я с автором согласна, ЭТОТ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ВПОЛНЕ РАБОЧИЙ !
А кому не нравиться, пусть не пользуют (я например вряд ли стану :))))
Хотя все познается в сравнении.
Если кто мартины любит, то тем явно понравиться. Результат хороший, и иски тут тоже относительно ясны.

Fixed it, I'm posting it now. If you are interested, look at it, write your comments and suggestions.

What's changed:

1. When we start working, two transactions are opened: if the previous candle is black, the position to buy from the market and a pending order with a double lot to sell at Step from the current price. If the previous candle is white, then - on the contrary: sell from the market, pending Buy order.

2. If the price moves in the right direction, we close everything when the TakeProfit profit is reached (in the currency of the deposit). If the price goes against the open position, we catch the pending order, and one more pending order is opened at the opposite level. The lot is calculated so that the total lot on one level exceeds the total lot on another one.

3. Everything is closed, when the total profit of all open positions exceeds TakePrifit (in the deposit currency).

Is this how the author described his system? Except for the fact that he starts his work with two pending orders, everything is as he suggested. The last point, as Galina rightly pointed out, is irrelevant and only slows down the work.

If no one finds any inaccuracies here, next step will be trailing.

lavigne_2.rar  26 kb
rumata1984 писал(а) >>

Fixed it, I'm posting it now. If you are interested, look at it, write your comments and suggestions.

What's changed:

1. When we start working, two transactions are opened: if the previous candle is black, the position to buy from the market and a pending order with a double lot to sell at Step from the current price. If the previous candle is white, then - on the contrary: sell from the market, pending order to buy.

2. If the price goes in the right direction, we close everything when the TakeProfit profit is reached (in the currency of the deposit). If the price goes against an open position clamp the pending order, on an opposite level one more pending order is opened. The lot is calculated so that the total lot on one level exceeds the total lot on another one.

3. Everything will be closed, when the total profit of all open positions exceeds TakePrifit (in the deposit currency).

Is this how the author described his system? Except for the fact that his work starts with two pending orders, in my opinion, everything is as he suggested. The last point, as rightly pointed out by Galina, is irrelevant and only slows down the work.

If no one can find any inaccuracies here, I will add trailing stops next time.

2. I would suggest that the take should be counted in pips. Then: when the price goes in the right direction, do not close the loop on the take, and the opposite order, I think, should be trailing. Put the trailing step into variables. If you catch the opposite order, then in any case, at least by a pip, but the "paper" loss will be smaller than it would have been. All this is for the first entry, i.e. before the first flip.
4. Close with overlapping of opposite positions, when you reach the Breakeven level. This way you'll release margin and reduce the number of positions to a minimum. As a consequence, the survivability of the system will increase, you can withstand at least 40 reversals.
P.S. There are other ideas...
The thread is alive again... :) Haven't been back in a while... Thought it had calmed down...

I went back to first page and got the post about the difference and benefits of MT5 for avalanche and the great discovery that MT5 is much easier to chop profit because of netting (like you have to cover less distance) - I had the obsessive feeling again that I'm in the wrong place... Very similar to the Institute in Kaschenko ...
I wish I hadn't gone there:)
lexandros писал(а) >>
The thread is alive again... :) Haven't been in for a while... Thought it had calmed down...

I went back on pages 5 and got the post about the difference and benefits of MT5 for avalanche and the great discovery that MT5 makes profit much easier to chop (less distance to travel) - I had the compulsive feeling again that I've gone somewhere wrong... Very similar to the Institute in Kaschenko ...
I wish I hadn't gone there:)

If you can't cut it down with an axe, you'll have to make a robot over it so everyone can see for themselves, otherwise it'll last forever:)

sever29 >>:

если топором не вырубить, то надо сделать робота по ней, чтоб все убедились, а то эт дело на века вечные:)

Heh... I personally have no desire to make a normal robot based on this nonsense... Especially since it has already been rewritten by different people and in different variations... If you look in codebase - there are hundreds (if not thousands) of martin variants, you just change a couple of lines and you'll get the same avalanche.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
There's something wrong with the algorithm again....

Where does 0.3 lot come from ???
we open at 0.1, and then every time it has to double....
0.3 lots has nothing to do with it.