worked for someone else's uncle. what's next? - page 4

Mathemat >> :

coaster, I hadn't heard of VDR. But now I have, thank you.

Theoretically the evidence base (DB) should be the logs of the server part of the platform. But try to find such a DC who writes about it in the contract!

Even the daily statements are not DBs. Well you know about it...

Both logs paired: both server and client logs should form a single protection. Any hacking attempt on either side must also be recorded in both logs. Any erroneous verification of the server log with the client log will block any accompanying (not previous, successfully placed pending) trade orders with the message output: "order rejected, security problem".

Something like that, in a nutshell, in a nutshell))).

Yes, there are a lot of variants. Will this be implemented?

There are DCs who solve any disputes in favour of the client. And this is the same hole - just the other way round.

coaster >> :

Yes, there are a lot of options. Will this be implemented?

Are you asking me that?

Mathemat >> :

Do you ask me?


Yeah! Who else is there to ask? Except from the esteemed members of the forum. MQs soar high and high and can't hear what's going on on earth.


Mathemat >> :

There will be a reaction from MT's creators, for sure. They will most likely take it down and that's it. This is not the case.

Then MT is likely to remain the best software for a trader, but not a trading terminal.


It's all so strange ...

This article is complete nonsense ... even if it was a contract, it looks like it was ordered for 3 rubles from someone who does not know the subject at all and cannot write anything properly ...

The video too ... what level of knowledge must a trader have if he appeals to a broker to change the password ... he can earn 60% ... unless he got lucky ... then suddenly decided to withdraw the entire deposit if it was going so well ... he would withdraw his profit ... although he may have invested the last ones and suddenly needed them ...

Then ... the server stores only the password image ... and in general there is no point in knowing the password ... the dealer with the right level of access can open and close a position ... it's the same ordinary work from the phone ... the banks have it ...

There seem to be 4 options ...

1) a very lame attempt at a "granny at the one-armed bandit" theme... ... to equate trading in financial markets with "one-armed" ...

2) comrade just showed his password ... here are all options and at his level is not surprising at all ... well, since the account was opened personally, it failed and "well-wisher" decided to just screw up by pluming the depo ... very likely that this "well-wisher" would be his friend or colleague at work, whom he praised his exploits in the market ...

3) really black business ... Maybe someone in brokerage house figured out that the client is very weak ... and no wonder, if he asks the broker if he can change the password ... and decided that the client can not give out the money ... and it turns out that the client can only complain in an appeal to the president ...

4) The brokerage house has real problems ... with liquidity or in general ... i.e. everything that goes back there does not go to anyone ...


What does this have to do with the article? The appeal is on YouTube. Don't forget to look at primary sources. A la Major Dymovsky.

If I understood the topicstarter correctly, based on his responses(21.12.2009 20:18), he is interested in the video message.


The pipers are crying, no less... How else would a beginner make 60% in two months? And they are going to withdraw the money because they are "pressed"...

The main thing is to withdraw money from the e-token... If you abstract away from the uncle and his quarrels with the kitchen, where they simply should not bring the money, one problem comes to light: it is high time for MQ to attach something like an e-token to the terminal. Thieves on the internet have gone berserk....

Without a legal framework, spinning all sorts of keys to Mt. etc. are not useful. The usual story of which there are many. They won't give a shit... Happy New Year ! ))

As long as the DCs are under the jurisdiction of various islands there is no point in suing them. Their integrity is based on reputation.

It is better when they are under the jurisdiction of countries where there are corresponding controlling organizations and the DeCs are their members. However, the client-doC relations are not necessarily a part of their control.

And to make an electronic document flow have a legal force (even in the Russian Federation) and protected against forgery there is EDS. It is implemented in many domestic brokerage platforms.

coaster >> :

Trust and money? Doesn't sound right.

We need evidence, even if it is in the form of sealed, uneditable (secure) logs. We need a real security system, not talk about how great our security system is. Try to pick someone's WM pocket! It will not work. Degrees of protection won't allow it!

Isn't the ISP's logs enough already?

BARS писал(а) >>
Without a legal framework, spinning all sorts of keys to Mt. etc. is not useful. The usual story of which there are many. They won't give a shit... Happy New Year ! ))

What is the legal framework for identification and authentication? I am honestly at war, no smoking, no drinking, even if I am not trading, I regularly check my real account to see if someone is spoiling it by using my password. Regularly check my mail to see if there is any notification of withdrawal request? Or maybe I'm just paranoid?)
