EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2278


for 48 hours (forecast to the right of the white line)


for 48 hours (forecast to the right of the white line)

super forecast :)

Well just do the opposite and you'll be fine .... :)


exactly )))))))



Here's a look tomorrow....

If you believe your beautiful "Channelchick" - then the nigger needs to go positive! towards 1.2288 =)
If you believe your beautiful "Kanalchik" - then the nigger should be on the positive side! towards 1.2288 =)
It seems too, that the picture would be more complete or something ))



Goldman Sachs yesterday revised its 3 month forecast for the euro from 1.35 to 1.15....

so we are still 90% likely to renew the lows..... naturally this is my point of view :-))))))))))

today i expect a pullback to 1.2025

The fourth day of bai living, sell cuts ..., + if the bank advises to sell it means we hold for now, sell next week according to the new maxi :( . This is of course my opinion.

there's a difference in what it's punched with, shadows/body....
Yours truly. My mistake.
That's right. My mistake.

Yeah faster than 50/50... I thought Global was turning, but now I take it back, it's still a flat longs trick... I've already tried to go short.