EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1851


fasklo >>:

Oops !!!
Hi !!!
What a bunch of hollywood people :))))

How's it going

TupoiKachek писал(а) >>
Blin! Ty prav! Na klave kirillicy net zavtra nakleyu sam uzhe zadolbalsya! Ya v Kazahstane zhyvu!

We taught one here to put the Cyrillic alphabet in Cyrillic, so he found a program to translate transliteration into Cyrillic...

It took him four hours - no connection at all... At least he knew the right direction... But it was +40 in the morning...

The road down is almost clear.
fasklo >>:

Как дела

And we're doing the usual thing, we're trading slowly :)
Half of them are going long, the other half are going short, just wait till we all make some profit!
Spill the beans!
We have not heard your opinion yet :)))
And preferably with pictures ! :))))

I am a little correct with the forecast for the long term= the road to the bottom will be long and slow - about 2-3 months. There are the first vague preconditions that the dollar to the euro can reach 1.0-1.1.The general trend to the bottom but the strong trend will not be - slowly with rebounds.Analysts say that the dollar may come to 28 rubles and the euro to 37 rubles and in the autumn the dollar will come back to 32 rubles.

strangerr >>:
Дорога вниз почти чистая.

Almost, there's a 38.2% drop to go, which we've been banging on about all day...

olivero >>:

Почти, нужно пройти 38,2% от падения, об которую мы стучимся целый день...

I drew him lots of blue lines and he crawls along them.))

strangerr >>:

Я ему нарисовал много синеньких линий и он по ним ползает.)))

And you're salted.