EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1419

RQ_ >>:

Терзаюсь, жжет нестерпимое желание открыть 10 лотов вниз....:)

Why didn't you open up?
- What's stopping you from doing it? Insecurity?
- Internal struggle between greed and cowardice......
Cowardice is invincible.

RekkeR >>:

У вас же скайп. Писал вам про паравозик голд, за бабочками по веерам через крестики-нолики не ходи, за ним все тянется.

I rarely turn on Skype, my internet is very glitchy.
xeox писал(а) >>

What's stopping you from doing it? Insecurity?

Inner struggle between greed and cowardice......

RQ_ >>:

Внутренняя борьба жадности с трусостью......

Then a loss is inevitable, which will surely let you down :)

mixo_lexus >>:

Everybody is drawing and drawing, artists, draw me where the 5th wave ends on the H1, preferably with a number))).
Vlad72 писал(а) >>

Well, it seems to have worked, shall we try to go up?
Although I can see that it's fading on the eu and the fooey.

>> the euro went into a pullback right on schedule...

RekkeR писал(а) >>

Why didn't you open up?

Just closed 5 lots LONG (1.3652-1.3715) .

mixo_lexus писал(а) >>

you draw the right lines and someone drew the blue ones wrong...
forte928 >>:

евро в откат пошел точно по расписанию..

Forte, reconsider this case.
strangerr писал(а) >>

Forte, reconsider this case.

what's that? revise it. trains only run on time... from origin to destination...)))