EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1324

You can't make money on the fence during anomalies, but you can save what you have.
Galina is missing, probably at the Soros seminar.
I noticed on several forums and chat rooms, too, that the "successful regulars" giving out "authoritative" advice have disappeared.
Stochastic rules the day.
RekkeR писал(а) >>
You can't make money on the fence during anomalies, but you can save what you have.
Galina is missing, probably at a seminar with Soros.
I noticed on several forums and chat rooms, too, that the "successful regulars" giving out "authoritative" advice have disappeared.
Stochastic rules the day.

Galina is still in position on the Euro, but probably not on the Aussie.
RekkeR >>:
На заборе, во время аномалий, не заработаешь, но то что есть сбережешь.
Галина пропала, на семинаре у Сороса наверное.
Заметил на нескольких форумах и чатах, тоже исчезли "успешные завсегдатаи" роздающие "авторитетные" советы.
Стохастик сейчас рулит.

Galina is not at a seminar, rather in church, praying.))
RekkeR >>:
На заборе, во время аномалий, не заработаешь, но то что есть сбережешь.
Галина пропала, на семинаре у Сороса наверное.
Заметил на нескольких форумах и чатах, тоже исчезли "успешные завсегдатаи" роздающие "авторитетные" советы.
Стохастик сейчас рулит.

I think you're wrong about Galina. We'll go upstairs now.

ya_kutka >>:

Думаю,Вы зря так о Галине.Сейчас наверх и пойдем.

And who will draw the minimum, Alexander Sergeyevich?))
And about Galina - that's a joke, I said and now I will say that we are near the turning point.

We're fine without minimums. We'll work on another dragon and we'll be fine :)

Let's draw some more. Do you want 3569? Or lower? I'm not very good at this. It amazes me how cleverly you calculate everything. And forte. And a few others. Just learning from you. I've been digging around, trying to find out where you get your information. Discovered Woolf today, the spodachi of the forum. Again, thank you.
Alexan >>:

Нам и без минимумов хорошо. Сейчас очередного дракончика отработаем и нормалек :)

We'll draw it.))
strangerr писал(а) >>

And the minimum who will draw, Alexander Sergeevich?)))
And about Galina - that's a joke, I have said and will say now that we are near the pivot point.

Yeah, by the looks of it, we're definitely at the pivot point.
22:00 USA Monthly Budget Execution Report / Federal Budget Balance February -42.6B
Although there is a prediction like this.
Where's Gala????