EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1475

strangerr >>:

Что это за индюк?

Forecasting with the Box-Jenkins linear model

TheVilkas >>:

Прогнозирование линейной моделью Бокса-Дженкинса

I was referring to the principle. What is the theory?
TheVilkas >>:

Прогнозирование линейной моделью Бокса-Дженкинса

Americans don't believe in the theory of probability))) Let's see what happens during their session.

Vlad72 писал(а) >>

I actually heard on TV at the end of February, some expert on financial markets. americos, that supposedly by the end of March they expect the eu to be 13000
But it was in the background of Greece, how they are doing?

1.2 don't you want it?
forte928 >>:

1.2 не хочешь?

Good morning.))) Not this year.
strangerr писал(а) >>

What's there to comment on, open the weekly chart and look at the candle.

Do you think we won't get back to 3715 yet?
strangerr >>:

Я имел в виду принцип. Что за теория?

The one of the same name, i.e. Box-Jenkins.

There are generally three types of models:

1. Autoregression (AR);

2. moving average (MA); -not to be confused with the simple moving average;

3. A mixed model of AP and MA;

all of these are derived from the analysis of time series, from the extent of its

dependence on its (series') prehistory;

All estimates of predictive model parameters are derived from

objective procedures developed by Box-Jenkins.

Based on mathematical statistical theory.


H4 says we're going down 100 pips

strangerr писал(а) >>

What's there to comment on, open the weekly chart and look at the candle.

I don't know how to tell from a candle.
forte928 писал(а) >>

H4 says we're going down 100 pips

If the lower extremum of this wave will be broken, but it may go up as well.
I thought he said it was wave 4 and then wave 5 and it is strong