[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 1088


1. initialisation is an identification.

2 Identification is a complete match.

= > Initialization is a complete match.

3. After assignment, the value of a variable is equal to the value which was written into it. That is, after assignment, the value of a variable is exactly the same as the one that was assigned to it.

= > Initialization is assignment.

Oh, well, that's it - I made a reservation. I used the term identification instead of initialization. So my post should be read this way:

Да поймите же, что при эквивалентности понятий присвоения и инициализации, их объёмы совпадают! Это значит, что эти 2 термина - синонимы!!!

Идём в глубь вопроса к его первоисточнику. Открываем англорусский онлайн-словарь. Попытка перевода термина identification ни чего не даёт - оно переводится как идентификация. Слово не нашенское, поэтому понять что это такое из онлайн-словаря не удаётся. Идём в гугл и качаем книгу Боровского "Англо-русский словарь по программированию". На странице 128 находим следующее: http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20101230/XwOJxmkn.jpg Осталось лишь выяснить, что такое тождество. Открываем словарь Ожегова. Находим словарную статью:

ID, -a and ID. -a, cf. 1. Complete resemblance, coincidence. D. views. 2. (identity). In mathematics: equality, true for any numerical values of its constituent quantities. II adjective identical, -a, -a, and identical, -a, -a (to the 1st sense). Identical algebraic expressions.

That's what it takes to prove! Well, since after an assignment operation, the value of the variable will be exactly the same as the one just assigned to it, we conclude that identification of a variable and initialization of a variable are one and the same operation, which is exactly equal to the assignment operation. We are therefore forced to conclude: If a rule assigns one and only one initialization to a variable, and in a strictly defined place in the program structure, then we cannot assign another value to this variable (after the identification), because the concept of initialization and the concept of assignment are synonymous! Full stop.


1. initialisation is an identification.

2 Identification is a complete match.

= > Initialization is a complete match.

3. After assignment, the value of a variable is equal to the value which was written into it. That is, after assignment, the value of a variable is exactly the same as the one that was assigned to it.

= > Initialization is assignment.

Oh, well, everything's clear - I made a reservation. I used the term identification instead of initialization. So my post should be read this way:

It's clear to whom... Happy New Year, guys!!!

1. initialisation is an identification.

2 Identification is a complete match.

= > Initialization is a complete match.

3. After assignment, the value of a variable is equal to the value which was written into it. That is, after assignment, the value of a variable is exactly the same as the one that was assigned to it.

= > Initialization is assignment.

Oh, well, that's it - I made a reservation. I used the term identification instead of initialization. So my post should be read this way:

Apparently, you have already started to celebrate the New Year, so the elucidation of these subtle nuances and concepts is better to postpone until the end of celebration, and most importantly sober head.

Happy New Year, colleague! I remember that you, like me, used to take measurements in the nanosecond range.


Apparently you have already started to celebrate the New Year, so it is better to postpone the clarification of these subtle nuances and concepts until after the celebration, and most importantly on a sober head.

Happy New Year, my colleague! I remember that you, like me, were once engaged in measurements in the nanosecond range.

No, I'm sober. And I've never done nanosecond measurements. You have me confused with someone else.

The conclusions I have shown you follow from assumptions taken from dictionaries. The conclusions follow a logical necessity.


Can you tell me. On two terminals (myself I think (it was a long time ago), the first is installed from this site, the second - exactly from broker's A.....i. There and there work a few "almost" videlnichnye advisors - the difference in the conditions of opening a position. But in the broker terminal MT4 there is no column "comment" on the right-most side of the terminal tab, what is causing difficulties in "going-nification" :-))) of opened positions by EAs (which pose is opened by which one), in my case each of owls, when opening a position, positions its own in the comment and everything is clear to me. How may this be and what would you recommend to do to solve this problem (I have to move my mouse to an open position in the terminal tab and read "identification" in the popup window)?

Suggests that this has been done by someone, with some intention?

1) try using the right mouse button and from the menu that pops up, turn on the comment display.

2) It's a conspiracy, for sure!


1) Try using the right mouse button and the menu that pops up turns on the comment display.

2) it's a conspiracy, unequivocally!

1. excuse me - I have already done THIS - figured out the settings, wanted to delete my post - here I look - people have already responded to me Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

2. Definitely!:-)))

Gentlemen, friends, comrades! Happy New Year to all! Good luck, luck, health and enlightenment to all!!!

I can't understand what you're trying to achieve. I made a script from your last post, which you deleted, that outputs all the data about the candle size and the parameters to be checked. Everything works.

Only strange logic seemed to me - if the candle is bullish, you prohibit buying, and if it is bearish, you prohibit selling... But it's up to your own logic...

thanks for the reply. That post I deleted didn't seem quite right. I ended up removing the division into sell and buy and introducing a single trade ban, with no division into sell and buy. So it turns out that I asked a question, but in the process I kept thinking and looking for solutions. The solution was found by myself. The reason of the prohibition to trade in case of a large candle in the model is that further movement with high probability may be exhausted and therefore it makes no sense to enter the trade. Thanks again for the reply. Sorry for the large number of questions - I am learning ))))
And how can we make it so that after one of the buy or sell operations, the Expert Advisor does not process every subsequent tick, but waits for a new candle to appear?
//1й вариант.(стандартный)

int  TimeBar; //переменная 

int start()


if (TimeBar==Time[0]) return; 



//2й вариант.(коротенький)

int start()

if(Volume[0]>1) return;
