Are successful traders and programmers here, or are they just dreamers and theorists? - page 2

LeoV писал (а) >>

On this forum, and on any other, you are unlikely to find a TS or Expert Advisor that just put it on the chart and start mowing money like a man on fire, increasing your deposit by "330 times in 2 hours". No one is going to give you a working TS or Expert Advisor for nothing. Why, you may ask? Because all this is not easy. In order to get it you need either to sit 24 hours a day in front of the computer screen, studying the market and looking for rules, according to which the TS may work, or buy a working EA for a lot of money, and besides buy an EA, you need to understand the principles by which it works, to properly re-train it from time to time. Every Expert Advisor, like a good girl, requires attention and understanding ))))). So don't look for the Holy Grail here (it seems to me there is none at all). Everyone is just trying to find his own way of working in financial markets. How you find it and what it is - it's your own business.

I am not trying to buy the grail; if they sell it, it does not work, and if it does, then how much (they are all on the Web, an attempt to make money on the uninformed and greedy ...).

And dig very deeply (or lack of intelligence, or just lazy to wade through special literature on the theory of "Riesenstein" described by differential equations with five unknowns in which three will change according to the theory of probability distribution of neurines in depleted environments :)) )

Your version of forex trading should be found only by yourself (someone else's head has not yet learned how to transplant it (this is a reference to Pirogov :) )

And it is better to invent a bicycle three times by yourself, than to try to make a bolide.

Vlad1m1r17 писал (а) >> And it's better to reinvent the bicycle three times on your own than to try to make a bolide right away.

I disagree a little bit. A fool learns from his mistakes and a clever one from someone else's. This is the 21st century. Why reinvent the wheel when it was invented long ago? Why go through the same chain all over again when you can take a step forward by building on the experience and knowledge of others.

Mathemat писал (а) >>

There is no mystique. It's just that most worthwhile ideas require a different level of presentation. The "two wipers plus RSI plus Bollinger" level is too primitive for a robust system. Damn, I've put an incomprehensible word for mystery again, I couldn't resist...

LeoV's classification puts me more in line with item 3, although I'm not as ace. 3, although I'm not as good as professional coders. I traded hands three years ago, lost a large sum. I'm not upset, I'm still looking for my own. I've vowed not to go for real until I have a stable system, which is a full automatic.

There are some people here who trade on the real account. I don't have anything to do with the "newbie/old-timer" classification.

In the history of the stock market, you probably did not know how to trade.

You may be right that there is no such case in the history of the exchange when its participants have not lost a good deal.

I guess if you pounding mgl for a third year and have not found the system (stable and profitable), it's possible - impossible :)

As for me, intuition and a trained eye cannot be described with any indicator.

But if you fail, you may have to understand yourself, your psychology and allow yourself to be rich :)

Vlad1m1r17 писал (а) >>

I am not trying to buy the Grail is stupid, if they sell it, it is not working, and if it works, then how much (how many systems are on the net all a scam, an attempt to make money on the uninformed and greedy ...).

Well, why, there are selling and working, and even very working. And the author hangs out here often. I`m observing his Expert Advisor, from half a grand to a whole thousand per day with depo of 60K. He started with 5K. I am not allowed to post advertisement here, search on onyx.

LeoV писал (а) >>

I disagree a little bit. A fool learns from his mistakes and a clever one from someone else's. This is the 21st century. Why reinvent the wheel when it was invented long ago? Why go through the same chain again when you can take a step forward by building on the experience and knowledge of others.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

that's why I'm collecting bikes again and again (inexpensive :) )

Roger писал (а) >>

Well, why not, there are some working ones for sale, and even very working ones. And the author hangs out here quite often. I'm watching his Expert Advisor now, it's doing half a thousand to a thousand a day on a 60K depo. He started with 5K. He started with 5K. You cannot post ads here, look on onyx.

Do you only observe or do you trade? :)

for how long?

I trade my semi-automatics and watch and admire him, quietly chopping his third month on the real.
Roger писал (а) >>

Well, why not, there are some working ones for sale, and even very working ones. And the author hangs out here quite often. I'm watching his Expert Advisor now, it's doing half a thousand to a thousand a day on a 60K depo. He started with 5K. He started with 5K. You cannot post advertisement here.

Where's that? Give me the link, please....It's interesting to see.

LeoV писал (а) >>

Where is this? Give me a link, please....It's interesting to see.

That's it, wanted to give a link on the fly and couldn't find it :-(

After the weekend I will search thoroughly. At me unfortunately the account and the invest password are already hammered in MT.

Here you go.
There's a link to their page and in the stats section there's an account and password.
I got confused with a local comrade, this one does not visit this forum, sorry.
I'm sorry, I also don't think they sell EAs but they manage them.