Random Flow Theory and FOREX - page 83


What matters is the trajectory of the vector end, not its size or scale, but its shape. The attrctor type of system is often determined visually
Or model gradient: will give both the direction of the vector and its modulus (if needed)

What matters is the trajectory of the vector end, not its size or scale, but its shape. The attrctor type of system is often determined visually

A vector in a phase space can be seen not only as a directed segment from an axis to a point (or from the centre of axes to a point) but also as a directed segment from a point to a point (also considering the shortest distance of this segment to the axis itself). The trajectory of the end of a vector is also a vector and also has both size and directionality.

We will offer an alternative view from a different angle, though the essence is the same in the end. we can also consider it as a reduction to the centres of gravity of the figures formed by the price. In order to further integrate these structures into more massive, we will run the movement of the centres of gravity, reducing this movement of the centre of gravity to smoothness, at the same time the movement of the figures of this centre may be chaotic, i.e. regarded simply as an outburst.

That is, we have, for example, three points which form a triangle, the centres of these triangles form three more points, and correspondingly their centre, so on, the problem is to select figures so that movement of centres would be of a given character, or so that movement of centres of different structures in the hierarchy would have certain limits. Equal-volume bars will give mass, with the addition of the irregularity of the number of counts per unit of time.

There has been an argument about complexity, that simplicity is enough. And gave the example of the surgeon's expert on the makdi basis, with which he participated decently in the championship. So, we must not forget that it is not just a simple mahdi there and its standards of codebase. You also need to remember that they are redrawn in the kodbase - it's static, as weird as that may sound. So it turns out that all the same you have to do with simple structures not so simple combinations. And to say that everything is simple I don't use anything but makdi.

Turns out this idea has already been tried (from 43 minutes)



Who is using/not using the gifts?


2avtomat: Anything to add on the subject?



do you have anything to add on the subject?

Somehow your question came as asurprise to me, Roma. My search goes in a different direction.

Somehow your question came as a surprise to me, Roma. My search is going in a different direction.

Sorry - it's just that I somehow realized that these are related topics... (the same squiggles and squiggles in front of diff equations :-))

Sorry - it's just that I somehow realised for myself that these are related topics... (the same squiggles and squiggles in front of diff equations :-))

The main squiggle is Forex - it fits. But with the random ones it's just the opposite. Though the topics are related, of course.
Priaval - let's elaborate - need gifts and layouts YET...