invalid book transaction

2016.09.06 20:53:40.772 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,sell,1.28360,300][buys: 6, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:54:04.708 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,sell,76007.00000,0][buys: 29, sells: 0, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:54:11.116 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28320,0][buys: 6, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:54:23.466 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,sell,76007.00000,0][buys: 28, sells: 0, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:54:40.580 Books   invalid book transaction [AUDU-9.16,buy,0.76780,-300][buys: 21, sells: 15, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:54:50.605 Books   invalid book transaction [AUDU-9.16,buy,0.76780,-300][buys: 21, sells: 15, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:07.786 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28320,0][buys: 5, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:11.491 Books   invalid book transaction [TATN-12.16,buy,33073.00000,0][buys: 21, sells: 18, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:38.125 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28310,0][buys: 5, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:38.635 Books   invalid book transaction [CHMF-9.16,buy,77073.00000,0][buys: 23, sells: 17, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:47.454 Books   invalid book transaction [TATN-12.16,sell,34949.00000,6][buys: 22, sells: 18, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:51.162 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,sell,76007.00000,0][buys: 29, sells: 0, depth: 20]
2016.09.06 20:55:53.269 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,sell,76007.00000,0][buys: 29, sells: 0, depth: 20]

Wasn't there before, appeared today (real).

What is it?


Wasn't there before, appeared today (real).

What is it?

Please give me a reproducible code. I will run it on real in the morning.
Karputov Vladimir:
Please give me a reproducible code. I will run it on the real in the morning.
There is no code (above is the terminal log, not the EA log), just these symbols added to Market Watch.
No code (above is the terminal log, not the EA log), just these symbols added to Market Watch.
Added. There are no errors in the log tab of the terminal. And you don't have anyone accessing the tumbler?
Karputov Vladimir:
Added. There are no errors in the log tab of the terminal. Do you have no one accessing the tumbler?

Of course there are appeals to glasses, but that has always worked, but today it doesn't.

//|                                                         Test.mq5 |
//|                                                   Copyright 2016 |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert Get Stakan values function                                |
bool GetBookValues(const string a_symbol,double &sell_price,double &buy_price,
                     long &sell_vol,long &buy_vol)
   MqlBookInfo book_price[];
      int size=ArraySize(book_price);
   return( false );
//| BookEvent function                                               |
void OnBookEvent(const string &symbol)
      double ask,bid;
      long ask_volume, bid_volume;
      if (GetBookValues(Symbol(),ask,bid,ask_volume,bid_volume))


I see, MT5 has glitched :(

When working with a tumbler, be sure to use MarketBookAdd andMarketBookRelease.
Karputov Vladimir:
When working with a tumbler, you must be sure to use MarketBookAdd and MarketBookRelease.

Not funny.


I see, MT5 has glitched :(

The impression of dampness is increasing.

Build 1401. Ticks have been going on for about two minutes now, and the log tab is really sprinkling with errors:

2016.09.07 10:02:02.578 Books   invalid book transaction [CHMF-9.16,buy,72914.00000,1][buys: 21, sells: 15, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:02:07.574 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28380,-1000][buys: 6, sells: 24, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:02:13.985 Books   invalid book transaction [TATN-12.16,buy,30700.00000,0][buys: 21, sells: 16, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:02:39.871 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28400,0][buys: 5, sells: 24, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:03:02.312 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,buy,74370.00000,200][buys: 25, sells: 0, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:03:10.312 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,sell,1.28420,0][buys: 7, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:03:25.909 Books   invalid book transaction [CHMF-9.16,sell,78210.00000,0][buys: 21, sells: 14, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:03:41.357 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,buy,1.28420,1000][buys: 6, sells: 24, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:04:13.790 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,sell,1.28440,0][buys: 6, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:04:44.597 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,sell,1.28430,0][buys: 6, sells: 23, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:05:20.347 Books   invalid book transaction [Eu-12.16,sell,76007.00000,0][buys: 25, sells: 0, depth: 20]
2016.09.07 10:05:21.065 Books   invalid book transaction [UCAD-9.16,sell,1.28430,0][buys: 6, sells: 22, depth: 20]

Code check:

//|                                                         Test.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
      Print("Error MarketBookAdd ",Symbol());
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
      Print("Error MarketBookRelease ",Symbol());
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

//| BookEvent function                                               |
void OnBookEvent(const string &symbol)
      double ask,bid;
      long ask_volume,bid_volume;
//| Expert Get Stakan values function                                |
bool GetBookValues(const string a_symbol,double &sell_price,double &buy_price,
                   long &sell_vol,long &buy_vol)
   MqlBookInfo book_price[];
      int size=ArraySize(book_price);
         for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
                    +"    Volume= "+DoubleToString(book_price[i].volume,Digits()),
                    " type = ",EnumToString(book_price[i].type));
   return( false );


no such errors on "RTS-9.16".

Test.mq5  3 kb