Stable MTS - page 6


I give my humble 5 kopeck )
There are robots that require optimization due to their algorithm and primitiveness. And there are some that do not. I have ordered one of these robots, discussed the input parameters with the client and there seems to be nothing to optimize. In about 2 weeks we will check it in practice, but purely logically there is nothing to optimize.

Client says the strategy has been tested, I'm curious about it.)

Yury Reshetov:
Send the investors to Vasa. After they put Vasya on the meter and shove the heaters in indecent places, they will come back to you, already agreeing on the Expert Advisor with over-optimization.

The main thing is that after that, they won't get disillusioned with robots as a class at all. After all, they will come straight to me with a heating device.

And then I still have the question of how to optimize it for real data, so that at least with 85% probability it won't show a drawdown in the next month (and better yet, at least a slight profit).

Maybe you don't know Russian well)) And don't be jealous)) It's not good for you.

Colleagues, let's not get personal and talk on substance.

Yuri is right. If you say that you have not optimised since 2006, I would like to know what the drawdowns have been over the last 10 years. That's important, agree with me.

The other
So, what statistics are you talking about? Or is it a trade secret?
Yury Reshetov:

Those scoundrels are non-Russians, they have no culture at all. What are the moderators looking at? We need to nail all the uncultured, so others won't get the blame.

But you keep on shouting about the grail, while the moderators figure out what and why. Because the public is already stocked up on popcorn in impatience.

Yuri, we are not third-graders here, and noodles can be removed from our ears, so do not get emotional. If a man has nothing to say on the merits, he will fade away here quickly. But do you have anything else to add apart from bickering?

I personally have a specific question, not just an itchy hand (or tongue). What can really be considered a "good" algorithm, suitable for commercial use, and what is obviously a dud below market standards.

Well, it's not like I'm comparing everything to Vasya!!!

Let me put the question a little differently. What parameters should an algorithm have that can be put on a customer's account?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I give my humble 5 kopeck )
There are robots that require optimization due to their algorithm and primitiveness. And there are some that do not. I have ordered one of these robots, discussed the input parameters with the client and there seems to be nothing to optimize. In about 2 weeks we will check it in practice, but purely logically there is nothing to optimize.

Client says the strategy has been tested, I'm curious about it.)

Alexey, it is very interesting. May I give you at least some examples (I don't mean the idea. - It's most likely a trade secret of your customer).
Oleg Shenker:

Do you have anything else to add apart from the showdown?

Do you have anything to interest the owners of such MTSs?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Let me give you my humble 5 kopeck )
There are robots that require optimization due to their algorithm and primitiveness. And there are some that do not. I was ordered one of these robots and we discussed the input parameters with the client. In about 2 weeks we will check it in practice, but purely logically there is nothing to optimize.

The client says the strategy is checked, I'm curious about it myself )

Optimization in most cases (not all) is a fitting of the answer. And probably, to a large extent, self-defeating. With rare exceptions.

The system must initially be designed to be stable, i.e. small changes in its parameters must lead to small changes in the system output. Such systems do not usually need parameter selection. Usually it is a small adjustment of the initial settings, and not always the criterion for optimality is an increase in profit.


Do you have anything to interest holders of such MTSs?

I do.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Optimisation in most cases (not all) is a fitting of the answer. And probably, to a large extent, self-defeating. With rare exceptions.

The system must initially be designed to be stable, i.e. small changes in its parameters must lead to small changes in the system output. Such systems do not usually need parameter selection. Usually it is a small adjustment of the initial settings, and not always the criterion for optimality is an increase in profit.

Yuri, I would probably agree with you, but then the question is: "can you design like this?" Any examples?