Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 38


Practice shows that one's doom can be exported for a while. So the prolonged doom of some does not mean there is no doom. And about the WWII eyewitness records, don't you think it has become fashionable to bring to the surface only those that are needed, of course there were many opinions, but what makes you think that these opinions are the majority, because only these were brought to the top?

Another person's relatives, for example, with a different opinion, which they trust as much as you trust theirs, so what.

The US is fighting for its interests. Nobody forbids us to fight for ours. The question is how effective our fight is.
Andrey Davydov:
The United States is fighting for its interests. No one is preventing us from fighting for ours. The question is how effective our fight is.

How is it that they don't ban!!!! They putting pressure is a struggle. And our trying to defend ourselves is aggression. ))))

This is if you are talking about a rivalry between countries.

And if you are talking about the people's struggle for their rights there and here, it is something else.

It is not a struggle that has lasted for decades, it is a cultivation of a society that evolves in a certain environment. I note that these formations have also seen dispersed demonstrations and repression of the masses, and a whole host of other stuff that has nothing to do with the principles of democracy. And why it is so there and so here is the answer above.


How is it that they don't ban!!!! They putting pressure is a struggle. And our trying to defend ourselves is aggression. ))))

This is if you are talking about a rivalry between countries.

And if you are talking about the people's struggle for their rights there and here, it is something else.

This is not a struggle of one decade, but the cultivation of a society that evolves in a certain environment. And why it is so there and so here is the answer above.

How can they forbid us? Of course they put pressure, they pursue their interests. Who forbids us?!

If we are talking about morality, then morality is indirectly related to the laws of the universe. Morality - You could say it is a conditional contract, every civilisation has its own morality. It is about effective development and confrontation. The US imposes its rules of the game by the right of the strong. In order to be a strong state, one must have a strong economy, a strong and correct political system, a healthy and educated population. To make the right decisions. Unfortunately, this is not the case for us.

Andrey Davydov:

How can they forbid us? Of course they are pressuring, they are pursuing their interests. Who forbids us?!

If we are talking about morality, then morality is indirectly related to the laws of the universe. Morality - One can say it is a conditional contract, every civilization has its own morality. It is about efficient development and confrontation. The US imposes its rules of the game by the right of the strong. In order to be a strong state, one must have a strong economy, a strong and correct political system, a healthy and educated population. To make the right decisions. Unfortunately, this is not the case for us.

Alas, it is not enough to be strong locally, fighting back constantly without attacking-utopia, and they will not leave us alone, but does this mean that you have to become the aggressor yourself.

It is like within the country, someone has a passion for money, greed and vices, some liberals think so what, they are successful and judge those who are not successful, if you are not successful financially it means that you are qualitatively worse, you can not build a business, you are lazy, and your inability to earn money you transform into condemnation of others' luxuries, but if I do not want super profits, if I just want emotional life quality that does not require super profits, but not the euphoria of living complexes that created the consumer world

What will make me worse, that I will have to be devoured.

That's what the balance between predators and herbivores is for, there has to be a regulator. And we are asked to cut out the herbivores and turn everyone into predators where the stronger the more cunning the more immoral the more unprincipled, the one is right.

Andrey Davydov:

How can they forbid us? Of course they are pressuring, they are pursuing their interests. Who forbids us?!

If we are talking about morality, then morality is indirectly related to the laws of the universe. Morality - You could say it is a conditional contract, every civilisation has its own morality. It is about efficient development and confrontation. The US imposes its rules of the game by the right of the strong. In order to be a strong state, one must have a strong economy, a strong and correct political system, a healthy and educated population. To make the right decisions. Unfortunately, this is not the case for us.

As for "fighting" and "aggression", I try not to follow the TV. I prefer to think for myself. When I travel abroad, I do not see this hysterical propaganda on their television. I understand that everyone wants to ride into paradise on someone else's back, but I prefer to walk lightly!

Alas, this is not enough, it is not enough to be strong locally, fighting back constantly without attacking-utopia, and will not be left alone, but does this mean that you yourself must become the aggressor.

It is like within the country, someone has a passion for money, greed and vices, some liberals think so what, they are successful and judge those who are not successful, if you are not successful financially it means that you are qualitatively worse, you can not build a business, you are lazy, and your inability to earn money you transform into condemnation of others' luxuries, but if I do not want super profits, if I just want emotional life quality that does not require super profits, but not the euphoria of living complexes that created the consumer world

Why would that make me any worse, that I should be eaten?

The fact that our society is not perfectly organized is also a moment of weakness. There is no community and unity in society, and it has always been beneficial to those in power.


Andrey Davydov:
As for "fighting" and "aggression", I try not to follow the TV. I prefer to think for myself. When I travel abroad I do not see that hysterical propaganda on their TV. I understand that everyone wants to ride into paradise on someone else's back, but I prefer to walk lightly!

Peaceful life inside the country and foreign policy are completely different things, and completely separate in terms of decision-making from these very civilians.

You'd think I'd be dancing on other people's bones and riding on someone else's hump towards a brighter future.


Peaceful life inside the country and foreign policy are completely different things, and completely separate in terms of decision-making from these very civilians.

You'd think I'd be dancing on other people's bones and riding on someone else's hump towards a brighter future.

This is not about you, you do not threaten my life and well-being in any way. But I don't feel safe under the current government. I don't want to fight for someone else's business, but I will have to.

I hope that's clear.

Andrey Davydov:

Knew people who had at least an inkling of those times. And then I was born and lived not on the moon, but in the same Country as you, in the same system that came out of that.......

Life is such an interesting thing! In one country, at one time, but everyone has a different perception and a different destiny. It's like a trip on a train, all passengers seem to go in one direction (though some go in the cabin, others in the coach, others in the compartment carriage), the landscape outside the window is the same for all, the conductor offers tea to all comers. But someone is looking through the window to the right of the train, someone to the left, someone in the opposite direction of travel. Someone is dozing, someone is in the toilet, someone is chilling in the dining car. Then bang!!!, a loud bang and the train goes off the tracks. Surviving passengers will be questioned by investigators: "Who saw what, who heard what..." They are all eyewitnesses and even participants in the crash -..... But who and what of them will tell?
The biggest mistake (and often not a mistake, but a deliberate distortion of the facts) is the various generalisations. like "the majority, the whole civilised world, the whole nation, the whole country, all progressive humanity...".
Vladimir Suschenko:
Life is such an interesting thing! In one country, at one time, but everyone has his own perception and his own destiny. It's like a trip on a train, all passengers seem to go in one direction (though some in the common, others in the coach, others in the compartment carriage), the landscape outside the window is the same for all, the conductor offers tea to all comers ... But someone is looking out of the window to the right of the train, someone to the left, someone in the opposite direction of travel. Someone is dozing, someone is in the toilet, someone is chilling in the dining car. Then bang!!!, a loud bang and the train goes off the tracks. Surviving passengers will be questioned by investigators: "Who saw what, who heard what..." They are all eyewitnesses and even participants in the crash -..... But who and what of them will tell?
The biggest mistake (and often not a mistake, but a deliberate distortion of the facts) is the various generalisations. like "the majority, the whole civilised world, the whole people, the whole country, all progressive humanity...".
I don't get the train idea