FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1260

Movlat Baghiyev:
I may say a lot too))))), I do not take money for it ))))) I don't know what to say or it's not customary here?

Proof of what? Real transactions I think, and I don't have any, at least...

Does this constitute proof? I think not, i can only say that i will have lower limiters on this pair (next year).

For this season is already all right...

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

Proof of what? Real transactions I think, and I don't have any, at least...

Does this constitute proof? I think not, I can only say that on this pair I will have lower limiters( next year).

For this season it's already fine...

If you say there will be changes in the market situation ... We're talking about deals till the end of the year at the most ... I think so next year it may be January or November ... In other words your forecast will always sell, its probability is high as the price spread ... But if you don't do it, the main thing is to talk)))
My guess is that we will see a 0.8 and then we may think about going down to 0.65, and then back up to 0.85 or something like that.
Sometimes it seems as if the topic is like the street and everyone is peeking in the corner, happy about other people's failures and getting sick. But he is afraid to say something because he stinks inside.
Renat Akhtyamov:

Tell me what you mean by rollback..................

............... Can you show me your reasoning - where is Audi going?

I will try, but it won't be easy - everyone has his own bullets in his head. I do not smoke stock analysis, because there is also vanguarding, and you have to pay for stock data.

1. I consider the current uptrend as a short-term-2-4 weeks and the local minimum 7308 I consider a reversal of the trend, because this minimum has laid on strong support (red circles). The price will break through this support, but not now, because the goal of the older trend below is not taken (Lesorub calls it debt-the oblique line of the big angle and one more strong resistance at 72). I.e. the price is currently walking between 2 magnets/levels 7610 and 7200 and the price is going back from 76 to 72 long term. Additional confirmation of the short-term uptrend is the oscillator in the basement, which has broken the lower level from bottom to top.

2. Now from the D1 period I move to H4. The level of 7450 was not taken by the price and it rolled back, in addition, the oscillator locally broke the upper level from top to bottom, with a squeeze. Therefore I took a chance to suppose that the local pullback starts and closed the current buy-version, took a profit and put 1 lot to the sell, hoping that the price will reach 74. Below 74 I closed the buy limit with take (for now) 7610. On Monday the daily pivots will be recalculated-correct the limits.

But since I'm working without a stop, I'm worried about the last ones, H4 up. Probably, I would not take the risk of a grey area and will close it as soon as it closes. I can´t go long term, I´m afraid of swap negative.

Sergey Novokhatskiy:


Rena is right there's a 90% probability down there and even more.

Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.


I see.

May your depot be replenished with this


According to my readings these two pairs should predominantly be sold. Both upper targets are worked out audusd 0.7750 and nzdusd 0.7500. Purchases from 0.73 audusd and 0.68 kiwi were reversals (global run). Movlat, all laid out in advance. Where are you looking I don't know. Those who think the pair's move over 200 pips is nonsense, can skip this post by. I do not exclude that the delay is possible, which Ilya is aiming at. But I think that we will not see 0.7750 on the Audi and 0.7500 on the Kiwi this or next year.


Renat Akhtyamov:

I see.

May your depot be replenished with this

Thank you, Master!

I heard a story that the Masons-Tompliers may be the descendants of the Atlanteans, who also suffered from delusions of world domination, and for that they went down into the Atlantic. During the catastrophe, someone had time to leave, and the wild tribes began to understand cosmology and chemistry. Somebody helped Indians to cut down stones in hundreds of tons, with perfect linear surface, to lift them in mountains and to build megaliths, adjusted by laser or something else. Once the savages managed to make a perfect cut in the rock with a width and thickness of a few millimetres and a length of several tens of metres. The knowledge came to the Tompiliers through the priests because the Tompiliers, while Crusaders, had invaded America.

It is not clear where the pieces of knowledge that sprang from in Asia, India and Siberia.... , are from another fairy tale - Hyperborea and the Aryan race, the descendants of which are considered Scythians, Slavs, Iranians and Indians, but not the apostate Nazis. The Germans are rather the descendants of the Roman Empire. About the Indians the question is ambiguous, their ancestors were slaves of the Aryans, but assimilation took place and, consequently, knowledge flowed (the same Hindu Vedas, from the word "vedat", yogis, frescoes on the temples, etc.). It is logical that Russia has many enemies, and perhaps for that reason, because in the later, but not too distant history-the Russians were brushing their teeth, and the "civilized" Europe was running around in skins...... and the Teutons, Franks, Angles, Saxons, modern Swiss and Austrians among them, as ancient Germanic tribes. Now we have a story turned upside down by someone.

If the tales are true, the history of the Great Confrontation does not last for 75 years, since the start of the Cold War, but for at least several thousand years.

....In principle it is possible that over such a period of time scientifically sound traces have been erased by Time and the Holocaust. Let's see, in any case, science has stumbled over an obstacle and a breakthrough is ripe.

Alas, Reason does not learn from its mistakes and the history of the human race evolves in a spiral.

« Я не знаю, каким оружием будет вестись третья мировая война, но четвёртая — палками и камнями. » Альберт Эйнштейн

Otherwise, how to explain the excavated city ofMohenjo-Daro, destroyed by a nuclear blast four thousand years ago. They excavate and find in the archaeological layer melted stones, melted foundations of houses......... ... and find the basin of a 7 km long river Saravasti and 35 more cities that dried up during the formation of the Himalayas by accelerated (5 cm per year) shifting of tectonic plates (officially the formation of the Himalayas 200 million years ago). If that fact is true, so is the tale of a thriving Antarctic, from which the Aryans had to leave. But the Aryans were luckier, because they went on land and the knowledge and facts about them is more, and the Atlanteans sank to the bottom, and that they had time to tell the Indians. Thanks God, there are no such weapons in the hands of modern civilization and I hope that my grandchildren and I will not see Armageddon ....... but signs of the eternal historical spiral are already observed.

......Fuck it all! Let's live our happy little lives and enjoy the foreplay! Good luck to everybody this week!

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Надписи на долларе
  • ООО "ЦЭАЭ"
15 марта 2005 22:40 Американская валюта. Что значат Надписи на долларе. Знаки Массонов. Божество. Американский доллар знают все. И в Африке и в Урюпинске. В России доллар практически стал второй (если не первой) валютой. Многие видели долларовые купюры, а некоторые даже знают, какой президент США изображён на какой банкноте. Но не все...
Anyway, my audi..... on the rocks.......took a bounce, damn! All the same, on an empty chart at me better to walk, but my eyes hurt to look for levels.