The oil issue ... - page 21

A deficit is when something is in short supply, and the US has enough oil from its own production and imports

so there will be a deficit without imports, i.e. they do not have enough of their own oil

The Saudis are ramping up production, the US can't digest that much oil, the price is going down.

to support their companies, I take it the three lawyers are lifting the embargo on exports

If these companies are small, why keep them with expensive costs?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

so there will be a deficit without imports, i.e. they do not have enough of their own oil

The Saudis are ramping up production, the US can't digest that much oil, the price is going down.

To support their companies, I understand the three lawyers are lifting the embargo on exports.

If these companies are small, why keep them with expensive production costs?

Maybe that's why they lifted it too.

How do you close a company? You start an oil company, invest in exploration, invest in land, equipment and tools, technology, the price drops and you just shut it down because you recorded all these costs as a loss or you sell the oil to at least get it back?


Maybe that's why it was cancelled.

How do you close a company? You set up an oil company, invested in exploration, invested in land, equipment and tools, technology, then the price goes down and you just close the company and record all these costs as a loss or will you still sell the oil to at least recoup them?

Is it a small amount of oil that you don't want to lose, or are lobbies too stubborn to intercede for small amounts?

It seems to me that the volumes are large. such that they cannot sell out in their own market, so they lifted the embargo.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

So what is there to be sorry for in small quantities? Either there are really large volumes of production that they do not want to lose, or the lobbies are pushy, that they interceded for small quantities.

It seems to me that there are large volumes. such that they cannot sell out in their own market, so they lifted the embargo.

I told them to sell as much as they produce)))).
Wells and refineries do not close... Then do not close them))))
He's going to smoke... He'll say something else...

there it is, a whole third of it will go to waste.

Эксперты предупредили о банкротстве трети нефтяных компаний США
Эксперты предупредили о банкротстве трети нефтяных компаний США
Около трети нефтяных компаний США к середине 2017 года может ожидать банкротство из-за низких цен на нефть. Некоторые компании выживут только в том случае, если нефть будет стоить как минимум $50 за баррель
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

so there will be a deficit without imports, i.e. they do not have enough of their own oil

The Saudis are ramping up production, the US can't digest that much oil, the price is going down.

to support their companies, I understand the three lawyers are lifting the embargo on exports

If these companies are small, why keep them with expensive production costs?

Because when these small companies were founded, the price was high. Now they either sit tight or cover up, maybe for a while.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Because when these small companies were founded, the price was high. Now they're either sitting on it or they're shutting it down, maybe for a while.

I mean, what's the point of saving the small stuff? If it's small stuff, of course.

but according to the last link there's a whole third missing.


"As Haynes & Boone previously reported, more than 30 small US oil companies have already filed for bankruptcy. The combined debt of these companies totals $13bn."

from the same link: 30 companies and $13bn may be nothing

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

"As Haynes & Boone previously reported, more than 30 small US oil companies have already filed for bankruptcy. The combined debt of these companies totals $13bn."

from the same link: 30 companies and $13bn may be nothing

The US GDP is $18 trillion.
The US GDP is $18 trillion.
So one-third of the oil industry is not worth saving?