Why do 95% of traders lose? - page 18

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, well. What are your successes?

I'm actually a bit of a mathematician....

I'm happy for you! But I'm a "little" inventor, and I solved this problem - "Making stable profits in FOREX" - 7 years ago...

"And God give you luck!"

Serqey Nikitin:

I'm happy for you! But I'm a "little" inventor, and I solved this problem - "Making stable profits in FOREX" - about 7 years ago...

"And God give you luck!"

Well, if "a little" inventor, then it must be non-standard TA, and invented something of your own.

And as for, standard TA and approaches, I didn't say you don't need to know them.

And what are we arguing about?

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Well, if a "little" inventor, then an unconventional TA. What are we arguing about?

It is not possible to create anything NEW without learning from the experience of predecessors...

And why "unconventional TA"? ? The TA is fundamentally the same, nothing new... Yes, there are nuances, but as in any other activity...

Serqey Nikitin:

1.It is not possible to create anything NEW without learning from predecessors...

2. And why "non-standard TA"? ? TA is basically the same, nothing new... Yes, there are nuances, but as in any other activity...

1. who's arguing? Only now, directly from books, it doesn't work anymore. Or almost does not work.

2. You said it yourself - TA is basically the same, nothing new...

TA in its classic form is quite primitive, and it must have been good when people were trading on the exchange - in the era of "turtles". There are better methods now, at the modern stage.

For example, back then, HF trading was impossible in principle, now on FORTS, it is > 60% of the market. If our server is not on the exchange, in the mashroom, then HF trading is not available to us. But, with the emergence of it, our methods must also change significantly.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

1. who's arguing? Only now, directly from the books, it does not work. Or almost not.

2. You said it yourself - TA is basically the same, nothing new...

TA in its classic form is quite primitive, and that was probably a good thing when people were trading on the exchange - in the "turtle" era. There are better methods now, at the modern stage.

For example, back then HF trading was impossible in principle, now on FORTS, it is > 60% of the market. If our server is not on the exchange, in the mashroom, then HF trading is not available to us. But, with the emergence of it, our methods must also change significantly.

1. Everything works, but you have to understand that VERY much has changed and you have to make allowances for it...

2. ....

3. "There are better methods now, at the present stage." - You have to be critical of the "novelties" of technological progress - nothing better than the WHEEL has been invented yet...

"I totally agree with you - progress is inevitable, but not for an ordinary trader. For him - it is not an excessive dream ... and you know it very well, so why ALL these slogans ...?

Serqey Nikitin:

"HF trading was impossible in principle" - I completely agree with you - progress is inevitable, but not for an ordinary trader... For him - it is not a redundant dream... and you know it very well, so why ALL these slogans...?

It's not a slogan, it's an ideology.

You and I have different attitudes to TA, to standard TA, I mean. Standard TA is, shall we say, not a science, but an art. It only helps you to see the state of the market, but you make your own forecasts and TA has nothing to do with it. It is your vision and only your vision.

My point is that TA knowledge, by itself, has no predictive value. I'm pretty good with my own hands, on FORTS, with standard indicators (there simply aren't any others in the terminal). Of course, they help, it's easier, but you can do without them. Decisions, though, are made taking into account the TA, but not on the basis of the TA.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Standard TA, shall we say, is not a science, but an art.

What I am saying is that TA knowledge, by itself, has no predictive value.

1. You are wrong... TA is a tool that allows you to prove yourself if you are good at it...

2. Forecasting in FOREX is a fiction... Who does it - deceives himself and wastes his time. By the way, TA does not make forecasts, it only records the current state of the market. If you have a different view of the matter, then I pity you...

And making Predictions in the market is a dead end...

Serqey Nikitin:

1. You are wrong... TA is a tool that allows you to prove yourself if you are good at it...

2. Forecasting in FOREX is a fiction... Who does it - deceives himself and wastes his time. By the way, TA does not make forecasts, it only records the current state of the market. If you have a different view of the matter, I pity you....

And making Predictions in the market is a dead end...

You are saying the same thing I am saying - "TA does not make forecasts, it only captures the CURRENT state of the market... ". Only in other words.

Ok, that's it. We don't understand each other.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

You are saying the same thing I am saying - "TA does not make forecasts, it only captures the current state of the market... ". Only in different words.

OK, that's it. We do not understand each other.

"I'll tell you more, the TA cat in the books is a load of crap." - I don't know... Those are your words, and I didn't pull your tongue... Otherwise I wouldn't have started this debate...