FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 822

What are you doing all by yourselves?)) Come together!

Raise a rebellion! I gave you a hint))) Boring...

you're happy in the nuthouse - warm and nourishing, but it's autumn here....
you are fine in the nuthouse - warm and nourishing, but it's autumn here....
it's just that the yew is going where it needs to go (and so is the chif...)
it's just the eura going where it needs to go (and the chif...)
the euve is going according to plan, canadian... ))) ), euro/yen - that's all I think.
the eura is going according to plan, canadian... ))) The euro/yen - I don't seem to have mentioned anything else.
yawn and buy the pound...
I'm going to yawn and buy a pound cake...
no way!!! ask me on thursday!
no!!! ask me on thursday!
so tomorrow's bazaar is scheduled...
so tomorrow's bazaar is scheduled...
want to buy something? buy nd/canada to 0.8482
you're happy in the nuthouse - warm and nourishing, but it's autumn here....
Tufov... stop picking rotten acorns and hoverflies...
Go back to your room... the pills are at the nurse's)))
anything you want to buy? buy nd/canada to 0.8482

no, i've got the harrier, the TR 3300 ...

Tuffs... finish picking rotten acorns and pagans...
Go back to your room... pills at the nurse's)))
freedom is sweet ))))