FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 663

Greetings! I thought you had self-destructed (from the forum). Don't make jokes like that anymore.

There's not much to do here.

That will be the oil picture.

Evgeniya Balchin:
I'll close all the sales too, I almost missed stops, I'll buy a little too.It seems to go up to 1530 and then the tracks go already, so it seems unlikely...


5510-5525 is my zone.

Alexander Laur:
Make our government happy, because they are already going to adjust budget commitments to the realities of low oil prices. :)

You're closer there, call Vovan, tell him not to make a fuss.

12% every day?


That's right.)

5510-5525 my zone.

Guys, do not roll your lip, as long as it is strictly down).

Don't mention my name in the name, Mr "know all about forex".

Okay, okay.

How are you doing, because I'm really worried that you won't have any money left to buy below 1.5 in the pound?

It's very cheap, I couldn't wish for anything better.

Alexander Laur:
If only every day ......, but working on it! :)

Think about it, this morning I showed an intraday trade on the euro, but it is a small deal, and if I consider it a small deal, then think about how much short and medium term trades give, and Eidler with his long term deal does not even count the %.

Do not forget to call Vovan.

Alexander Laur:

Mid-term .... medium term ...... you'll be waiting a long time.

Even though money doesn't sting my thigh....

Today's deal: 1 hour 10 minutes and plus 12.5% to deposit. :)

Been reading your posts for a while now. Is it serious when you write that Bid is bigger than Ask?

Free of course you can work, but that's the maximum.

A man stands in a bazaar and cooks eggs for free. But at least there's broth left over...


Run away? ....

Will you come running back, "I told you so"?

Don't be embarrassed, most of them are.

Even the clown Teacher said he was buying gold.

Well, not everyone sails a yacht, some people have to work.)

About the deal, I'm on hold at the moment. I'm resting a bit... Waiting a bit - by the way the same Audi. Although it is going down and wants to go up, nothing prevents it! On the pound the picture is reversed. On the eu - ddoubt.

I'm not embarrassed - I tell it like it is. If you've lost, you've lost.
Evgeniya Balchin:
I'll also close all the sales, I almost missed it... without any stops, I'll buy a little too... It seems to go up to 1530 and then the tracks go already, so it seems unlikely...

Run away? ....

Will you come running back, "I told you so"?

Don't be embarrassed, most of them are.

Even the clown Teacher said he was buying gold.

Why, they're posting deals, it's just that some people start shouting "bullshit". Everybody's wrong.
Mighty-yeah, your tales of the past are of no interest to anyone, now I am, or rather since last week, buying up everything below 71, with targets 77 at least, there will be half-pose closed, then 79-80, there I will look.
I, like a true Jedi do everything ex post factum :)

On AUD - quite possible!