FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 398

why are we laughing? It's not yet the 20th and your limits are still up in the air, while I have been profitable on the moon for a long time)
And the poop lying in the street of a battered village gives an idea of the whole country....
Why are we laughing? It's not even the 20th and your limit's up in the air yet, but I've had a profit on the moon for a while now).

Those who bought at 3202 are also out of pocket)))))

And those who sold the pound are just shoveling money))))

So that's it. You can't even give a deal entry point, let alone the rest.

But to rant with Sensei in the evening for a couple of pages on various complete nonsense - it's all welcome.)


Those who bought at 3202 are also out of pocket)))))

And those who sold the pound are just shoveling money))))

So that's it. You can't even give an entry point to a trade, not to mention the rest.

ok) tell pips to say hello))))
You should have decided on the gold, there would have been no questions asked.
лаадно) пипсе передавай привет)

лаадно) пипсе передавай привет)

лаадно) пипсе передавай привет)

лаадно) пипсе передавай привет)

All right. Give my best to Pips.)
So everything you named, all the deals are bypassed. You got no pips, nothing. And when you start talking to him, it's like a dialogue between escaped convicts from a madhouse, your hand reaches for the phone to dial 103...
You should have decided on the gold, there would have been no questions asked.
The gold was decided a long time ago
So everything you named, all the deals are bypassed. You have no pips, nothing. And when you start talking to him, it's like an escaped convict on the phone dialing 103...
You should have decided on the gold, there would have been no questions asked.


gold listened to you and fell on monday - cool

It did rebound, though.

So all you named, all the trades are bypassed. You have no pips, nothing. And when you start communicating with him, it looks like a dialogue of escaped lunatics, your hand keeps reaching for the phone to dial 103 ...

I'm sure you are a tough trader, but no one can do it like you,

Algorithmic trading has a right to life - everyone trades the best they can.


I'm sure you are a tough trader, but no one can do it like you,

Algorithmic trading has a right to life - everyone trades as they can

Everyone has his own strategy and everyone eats according to his own depravity.