Adding Time in Mql4


Hi Guys

How do you add or subtract time in MQL4?

eg if I wanted to add or subtract 68 minutes to/from 06:04 

Thanks in advance



Try this :

      datetime TimeNow = TimeCurrent();
      Print ( "TimeNow = ", TimeNow );
      int AddNumber = 68; // in minute
      datetime AddTime = TimeNow + AddNumber*60;
      Print ( "AddTime = ", AddTime );

1.) Change the time to be added or substracted to seconds

2.) change the time 6:04 from string to time format

3.) Carry out the operation


int TimeToAdd=68*60; // change minutes to seconds

datetime NewTime=StrToTime("6:04")+TimeToAdd;   // Change time to datetime from string(hh:mm) format and carry out addition

string NewEasyToReadTime=TimeToStr(NewTime);    // Revert new time to string format of hh:mm:ss

Hi there, How can i input time in hours on screen.

similar to c programming , scanf.....

MaryAnn Emmanuel:

Hi there, How can i input time in hours on screen.

similar to c programming , scanf..... 

Hour - MQL4 Documentation
Hour - MQL4 Documentation
Thank you, it possible to time display on Screen and user keys in required time. example: (Time: user keys in desired time, example , 10.00).
MaryAnn Emmanuel:
Thank you, it possible to time display on Screen and user keys in required time. example: (Time: user keys in desired time, example , 10.00).
The easiest way to display it would be to use the Comment() function. Other ways would be with Text or Label objects. You could do the desired time in many ways, personally I'd give them a list of choices in a drop down menu in the inputs.
Comment - MQL4 Documentation
Comment - MQL4 Documentation

Hi Guys

How do you add or subtract time in MQL4?

eg if I wanted to add or subtract 68 minutes to/from 06:04 

Thanks in advance


int h=TimeHour(TimeCurrent());
int m=TimeMinute(TimeCurrent());

string time = h+":"+m;

Print ( "Time = ", time );

This will work, in the above 30minutes have been added to current time.

Manoj Natarajan:
int h=TimeHour(TimeCurrent());
int m=TimeMinute(TimeCurrent());

string time = h+":"+m;

Print ( "Time = ", time );

This will work, in the above 30minutes have been added to current time.

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  2. It doesn't add 30 minutes it adds 30 seconds.
  3. If the current time is 10:40 and you do m=m+30*60 you will display 10:70 "This will not work."
William Roeder:
  1. When you post code please use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.) Please edit your (original) post.
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  2. It doesn't add 30 minutes it adds 30 seconds.
  3. If the current time is 10:40 and you do m=m+30*60 you will display 10:70 "This will not work."

William, thank you for correcting me.

Am unable to edit the previous post.

few corrections made to previous code and now it will work

int h = TimeHour(TimeCurrent());
int m = TimeMinute(TimeCurrent());    m=m+30;
int s = TimeSeconds(TimeCurrent());
string time,hh,mm,ss;
hh = h; mm = m; ss = s;

if (m > 59)
   int t1 = m - 60;
   mm = t1;
   hh = h+1;

time = hh+":"+mm+":"+ss;
Manoj Natarajan: few corrections made to previous code and now it will work
  1. nope. 23:40 + 30 minutes is not 24:10, it's 00:10.

  2. Buy why not just add the 30 minutes and format the new datetime how you want it.

    string time = TimeToString(TimeCurrent() + 30*60, TIME_SECONDS);